blessings all i'm new to this site and will be interested to read everyones views ect in this community. i live in Brighton in the uk and have always considered myself to be a bit of a hippy, albeit a young one whos definatly living with an older one! look forward to getting to know you all blessings s
Welcome!! I'm sure you'll like it. I already like you, because your name starts with an S! Yes, I'm that easy. Have a great time!
Welcome to you! We have a lovely UK forum, and the members are all quite nice. Be sure to visit there--I'll post a link for you later if you can't find it. Please feel free to visit my forum, too--it's offsite for the moment as we are in the midst of an upgrade, but you are very welcomr to visit. http://www.johndenverfans.bbwpalace...php?f=18&sid=388aebddaeb0cc7d8bcf358678ff0355 The forum is on a friends' site, and although it is a John Denver site, this section is seperate. The scales are our reputation points, and if you click on them you are able to make a comment about the person whose post you clicked on. I will give you a comment and if you click on your user CP in the upper left of your screen, you will see my comment there. Again, welcome!
aqui va una receta muy rica ,no teneis que matar ningun animal para hacerla.bolitas hippys...... .2tazas de arroz,1puerro 1zanahoria semola de verduras aceite de oliva pimiento romero albahaca sal marina queso rallado 1 huevo ajo cuece el arroz añadir al agua de cocion un puerro una zanahoria (enteros)una cucharada de sopa de semola de verduras aceite pimienta romero albahaca y sal....2 se retiran el puerro y la zanahoria .se deja enfriar el arroz y se mezcla con queso rallado y con huevo.3 se mezcla la masa, se hacen bolitas y se pasan por pan rallado(mejor mezclarlo con ajo y perejil)4 se frien en la sarten y listo. se pueden comer calientes o a temperatura ambiente,y ya estan paz y amor..louiselane.
sadly i can't read this and i would love to know what liouse has said , is there any way i can translate it does anyone know? s
Louise, if you tell me what language that is, I'll be happy to install it for you at MY site. Is it Espanol (my spelling sucks.)