Here's an interesting article written by Catherine Pepinster for the GUARDIAN. I thought it was interesting and worth sharing with you here. Some of us who have struggled with the harsh treatment of our sexuality in Christian circles (and I am sure other religions have treated people similarly) know how we can take this on ourselves, that we are the odd ones - not the humans who are interpreting God's mind toward us. As Same-Sex marriage has become more and more acceptable in various countries, it still stands as an anomaly in the Church. In blessing same-sex couples, the church’s compassion has triumphed over blind faith ( Christianity is at its best when its followers shape God not in their own likeness but in someone else’s.
Thank you for the article...... I think Religon should be avoided because it tries to make people think SAME SEX is frowned upon and who says it is??? I do not think God really cares.... He would rather see love than hatred!!!
I wouldn't necessarily throw away the baby with the bathwater here. I understand your sentiment. Christianity, as well as Judaism and Islam, generally look down upon the LGBT community in various degrees. Generally. But as we see here Pope Francis is making relatively big moves away from a homophobic approach towards what is considered a marginalized part of society. The Catholic Church has a hell of a way to go, but it's going in the right direction. Some asshole American bishops resist even this. But we'll get there. And already some Protestant churches consider same sex marriage on the same level as opposite sex marriage, for example. I will say some religions should be avoided. The Westboro Babtist "Church" should be avoided like the plague, if it's even still around. That organization is an insult to the name of the Lord, which is a violation of the second Commandment. In short it depends on the church. As with society, attitudes in churches about LGBT ideology is changing for the better too. You still have the vocal assholes who think of forceful as well as clever ways to convince you it's somehow wrong to live a gay lifestyle or even be gay. And I'll also say many churches are woefully behind the times, the Catholic Church being a prime example. But strides are being made, and some churches and some congregations are with it more than others. But I think in the end what you said in the end matters most: God cares more about love than hatred. Churches and religion are ways to get to the Lord, but what matters most is that you get to the Lord. I encourage you to know what religions are available, but do what in your heart makes sense and be on the lookout for what the Lord is saying to you. You don't need a preacher for that.
It's little and late, but something, a step in the right direction, and actually a huge step for the Catholic Church. It's about time! I'm disappointed some American bishops are making a big todo about even this. I imagine some others are too. Most if not all hypocritically I'm sure! I really hope this momentum keeps going with the next Pope, and I see same sex marriage in the Church on the exact same level (obviously without the call for making many babies lol) as opposite sex marriage in my lifetime. I'm actually praying for that.
We've got a long way to go with the Catholic and conservative evangelical churches - just today I read that the Bishop in NYC condemned allowing a trans woman's funeral from being help in St. Pat's. It is insulting to the person and the family. To me, the person is dead - it's not changing a thing for them. But the family and friends who believe in the official procedure for sending a loved one off to heaven are the ones who suffer the rejection of the church. How cruel. This is not the Jesus I know. This is a bit ridiculous.