I tried this out two nights in row and I must say, it's the coolest damned thing ever. Right before you start smoking, just strip down totally naked. Then smoke until you're really stoned. After you're finished, you feel TOTALLY free and the feeling is exhilerating. I dunno why, but I seem to enjoy it. If you ever try it, let me know and tell me what you thought of it. By the way, I'm not trying to be perverted here at all; just a suggestion.
also at: -walking to a corner store in a city. -walking to your dealers house to get bud(if u make it, he'll prolly kick ur ass) -smoking with friends that are guys. GROSS! lol
you know.. I think i can honestly say I have never smoked naked.. Hmm.. I think i must try this soon =D
God, riding a bike naked must be horrible! Especially if you have one of those really narrow touring seats... ***shudders***
When did that happen? I love Dazed and Confused, but I'm not too good with actor's names, which one was Matthew McConaughey?
does this line ring a bell "i love them high school girls man, i keep getting older but they stay the same age" he is th older guy that hangs with the kids.................
I remember that guy! He's awesome! I like the scene where they're all smoking on the 50 yard line.. And I'm going to have to try to smoke naked someday..that'd be cool..I think I'll try it tonight!
The character in Dazed and Confused that said the line about the highschool girls is Wooderson. He's the guy that drives the car called "Melba Toast," wears a Ted Nugent album shirt, and works for the city...he drives quite a few people around in the movie. He's a kickass dude in that movie.
I've never smoked naked, the thought never occured to me. I'll be sure to try it with my next bedtime bowl. The last time I did mushrooms, I came home and was peaking and decided it would be a good idea to put on my pajamas and get comfy. I thought it would be a cool idea to undress and dress in front of my full length mirror, I figured if your face is trippy as hell on mushrooms then your entire body must be 10x cooler. And it was!