Tony Bair (if anyone cares about him now) has given an interview criticising Jeremy Corbyn for not supporting the war against ISIS in Syria. He seems to have fogotten that ISIS was formed out of the ashes of what is now Iraq. He asserts that Corbyn pedals the politics of protest, whilst he practised the politics of power, and that international political situations such as Syria are "complex", not "simple". Fair enough, but his response to Iraq was simple, namely to support the USA in their invasion, and bombing the government into submission. Given that Syria is complex, how can he criticise Corbyn for not supporting a military response? Surely sending in bombs and troops is the most blunt and brutal instrument of foreign policy which a country can adopt?
Blair and Major - who would of thunk it =
= A Good Reflective Analysis (sadly, the future - bleak though it seems - like winter, is inevitably coming)