Black Lives Matter Turns On Justin Trudeau? Trudeau Is A White Supremacist

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by MorphGirl, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    BLM calls Justine Trudeau a white supremacist, y ou can not stand behind Justin Trudeau and BLM. BLM call Trudeau a white supremacist.

    Here's BLM for ya. They are not be for the people and stir up more shit that doesn't exist. Roll more shit than a dung beetle... but at the same time support BLM as they discredit Justine Trudeau and they stand behind immigrants, and immigration... They're divided amongst themselves. When it is enough? Fuck BLM. You can not have it both ways. Truedeau or BLM, which do you prefer?

    Apparently they have the powers. and they have the numbers. I hope Canadians come together to have the numbers!
  2. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    well i only know the stereotypes of both so i cant say for sure but i do know that a movement is more chaotic. a person you can predict or hold accountable. i am willing to bet that a majority of the blm have no idea who trudeau is
  3. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    and they probably do not identify with being Canadian, and probably do not identify themselves as Canadians... so their opinion does not matter.
  4. pensfan13

    pensfan13 Senior Member

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    most peoples opinions dont matter to me. they are usually based on some kool aid or medication
  5. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Oh wow

    Canada BLM just declared civil war on itself!
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  6. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Looks like the OP and BLM Canada are on the same page where it comes to Trudeau. Maybe they will find eachother someday :)
    1 person likes this.
  7. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Lol. Funny asmo, very funny... but you know better. :). This rally was held opunder the guise of being an anti trump rally. I am not on the same page, not on the same page as either one. BLM TO leaders are criminals, that is not me. BlmTo as I said before accuse people of racism where none exists and BLM TO leaders yells racial slurs at black speakers in order to cause outrage and riots, possible attacks on white people. Just like they called Justin trudeau a white supremacist terrorist. I have already heard and listened to BLM ... they are divisive.p, liars, thieves and racist.

    Trudeau is for BLM ... giving them exactly what they demand yet still fthey find fault, simply because his face is white. Not joining their fucking group as I said. Trudeau has no interest in Canadians. None.

    You know this rally was held under the guise of it being an anti trump rally? Was not about that at all.

    Funny too that none of the BLM supporters have anything to say about it huh? They certainly have had a lot to say in the past. Yep lay low til the smoke clears, and then return to their racist behaviour later. Pretend they are not what they are. Divisive, Racist, calling people racist where there is none. Trudeaus is against Canadians, as is BLM Toronto. Burying their head in the sand. Trudeaus only interest is in non identifying Canadians just like BLMTO, So what is their problem now..?

    And where are all the people on this forum who support BLM and Trudeau now? Lol. Nothing to say... not defending Trudeau or BLM!?? Big surprise. Cowards.
  8. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Yes, I agree which is why I have said to many, read for yourself. :). a lot of BLM koolaid drinkers here who are also Trudeau supporters. Where are they now? Confused and in need of more kook aid. :)
  9. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Seeing what the co-founder of BLM Toronto posted on Facebook, maybe we shouldn't be so surprised she's turning on Trudeau :

  10. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Sounds like shit for brains.
  11. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I wish I wxs x Super hxman so I could spell like this.
    5 people like this.
  12. John1234567

    John1234567 Members

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    Don't talk bad about kool aid
    1 person likes this.
  13. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My opinions are created during soothing sips from a cold glass of haterade.
    2 people like this.
  14. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    It's like a bad translation from the 3rd Reich. Folks, THIS is pure racism. For decades we have been taught that all races are equal and benevolent in their own ways. Now we have this? Someone suggesting that skin color itself is the determining factor in the "superiority" of a race? It's as ludicrous as that 3rd eye/pineal gland nonsense created to advance the cause of racial hatred.

    Seriously, if you think your race is "superior" to another (and by what freakin measure), you're a confirmed racist. Now, start goose-stepping and show your pride, Nazis.
    1 person likes this.
  15. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    I'm curious how you found this...I just looked her up on FB and didn't see any of this. Thanks!
  16. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    That was from one of yusra khogali s Facebook pages. Yusra k. Ali Written on October 17 2015. She is one of the co founders of BLM Toronto, to which BLM founders in the USA are closely associated.

    “What wypipo don’t understand is that this is not like our elder’s movement. We will snatch your edges and clap you back into ashes. We will also beat that ass Becky. Run up.” March 30 2016 yusra via Facebook

    Wypipo are white people and Becky is white women. Now she claims death threats but fails to provide any proof of such. She is the one spewing death threats. Keep in mind as well that the founding members are for armed insurrection.

    Khogali Tweeted this "Plz plz plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folk, plz plz plz"

    I don't know if you watched the video above but you might want to give it a look.

    Rodney Divertus is another one who is considered at the top of BLM Toronto. Haitian born, grew up in Florida and has moved to Canada for school, I hope he returns to the USA soon. He is the president of the ryerson students union who will hold meetings that are only open to racialized people and indeginious people. No whites allowed

    Sandy Hudson, another co founder is up in charges for a $277 700.40 theft from the university of Toronto students union. She supports rhugalis statements and claims these statements are not important. She also claims that the law suit and demand for the return if the money is white people trying to keep the black woman down. She walked out the door with a cheque for that money. 1/10th of their entire budget and claims the lawsuit is racist, anti blackness
  17. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    That's because Facebook deletes these kinds of things. But the internet never forgets.
  18. Beutsecks

    Beutsecks Large Rooster

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    Six found it, I was just quoting. However, I saw it on FB when I looked up the exact spelling of her name, but that was like 4AM.
  19. MorphGirl

    MorphGirl Banned

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    Perhaps that person has blocked 6 eyed so that they can not read 6?

    I was wondering why they asked you about it. When someone blocks you can the one they block still read them?

    BLM is sooo corrupt. They are complaining about putting people in jail who commit crimes .. how deportation of them us unjust simply because they are not citizens BLM says. Well hey, I do not want non citizens to be allowed to remain.

    This is what blows me away. BLM talks of priviledge s to the white people in Canada. How blackness is kept down. So we have a very large population of new immigrants in Canada, in Toronto it is over 50 percent. These refugee people are receiving government assistance. Medical. Paid for by the so called priviledge they have a problem with the tax payers, which are not all white. While the majority of Canadians and those who identify themselves as this say sorry.

    Isnt it a priviledge to be in Canada? I do not think so anymore. Refugees do not think so, BLM does not think so. So fucking leave. Find yourself a new sanctuary... go hold hands along the Gaza Strip

    At that so called anti trump rally in Toronto they also criticized Obama... they are against western culture, a culture which Trudeau denied exists in Canada. it is not about crimes committed against black people in North America, it us about western culture being the problem, just like Trudeau has a problem with. They have the same goal but Justine is from the west and white so he won't do.

    And let me add that BLM founders in the USA are tied to BLM Toronto. One of the founding members married a BLM Toronto member, if my memory serves me correctly.


  20. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    This like the last, seems just like racist threads, do we need them?
    I think not!

    One world people, leave the government's to deal with their stuff, and get on with your own lives!

    Coloured! I'm white, and spend my summers trying to be brown! Come on! That don't make me racist, that I want a coloured skin..
    Eric! likes this.

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