The protest by black sportsmen during the national anthem was in support of the coalition protest group black lives matter. The Trumped up one was clearly unimpressed. So much so that he wants people fired and the trip to the white house cancelled. He is yet again showing his true colours when it comes to race issues. He does not have a fucking clue how offensive he is and how much he is standing alone with his rhetoric. He seems unable to separate presidential behaviour from the "I'm in charge" front man of the apprentice behaviour. I'm truly sorry the American public have to tolerate this and also feel truly mortified at the ammount of people who find him even slightly acceptable.
I agree with your post, but unfortunately he isn't 'standing alone'. As you say you feel mortified by the amount of people who like him - but without that support he wouldn't be where he is. If it was just one man it would be different but DT represents a section or sections of the American public - some of whom are much more extreme than even he is.
Believing that black lives actually matter to Black Lives Matter, is just like believing that Trump is actually making America great again just because his brand says so.
I don't think it's fair to equate what they were doing as being in support of BLM (black lives mattes). And that's not what I got from CNN. They were on the TVs at the gym today. I got the impression that they took a knee in solidarity against President Trump's statement regarding that particular behavior. He had said something to the effect of "get that SOB (expletive) off the field" and that players should be fired if they refuse to stand. I think the reality is this country for awhile has neglected to stand for what people believe in when it comes to matters of race; particularly when it comes to African Americans, but I think it pertains to Latinos, as well as members of other ethnicity. They kneel not to disrespect this country or its service members or what it stands for, but only to show that there is further need for change. They sent a strong message that a lot of people saw today, and I think the media is helping to spin that in a positive way for once. The broadcast I saw did not discourage them or suggest any conservative rhetoric. There was one guy from the Treasury on CNN that tried to stand against the kneeling, but he was totally outnumbered by the other people who were interviewed or otherwise asked what they thought about it. The people have spoken!
I'd rather they just keep politics out of sports all together. The Star Spangled Banner is political enough without some douche-bag athletes making statements about it. It's no wonder the NFL's ratings are going to shit. Sporting events used to be a great way to escape the dreadful world of politics. Nowadays politics has shat all over everything entertaining. Hardly anybody watched the Academy Awards for the same reason; nobody cares about the political opinions of celebrity entertainers or athletes.
Of all the dumb things on which Trump has opined, I really wish he would have kept his mouth shut on this one. Because its so fucking dumb. Anyone who thinks you HAVE to pledge allegience to the flag or stand for the National Anthem doesn't really understand what living in a free country actually means. You don't have to worship a flag or sing a stupid song to be a true American, thats kind of the fucking point of being an American. Didnt our forefathers want to get away from that sort of mindless allegiance? The whole thing just annoys me, its like all the Fox News viewers just got bored with being offended over the phrase "Happy Holidays" and jumped on the next fake outrage. The NFL not drafting Kaepernick this season is their choice as a private entity but I feel like for the President of the US to recommend anyone who follows Kaepernick's actions be fired IS narrowly walking a fine line between violating free speech or not. it isnt appropriate for a government entity to recommend punishhmentfor for something someone is free to do under the first amendment
I don't see why people get offended when people don't agree with their political views, and that someone kneeling during the national anthem is really all that inappropriate. Maybe things aren't meant to always stay etched in stone, and as the culture changes, it embraces new ideas and ideals. You can't force solidarity. It'd be nice to not have to constantly hear political arguments outside of the news, but that's the culture we live in. But, we have the ''right'' to these one ''must'' stand for the national anthem. If the US government starts forcing such things, it's no better than being forced to clap for the North Korean leader, if you reside there. People have fought and died for freedom of expression, and not just the expression that the government deems righteous.
I agree. There was a story on CNN this morning... The Secretary of the Treasury or something was trying to stand up for Trump. He was saying that the NFL is a private organization that can regulate on the matter, firing anyone or reprimanding, who doesn't stand for the national anthem. He compared it to a job. If your employer says to do it you have to do it. But I agree that, in this context especially, that there are freedom of speech implications. That's like prayer in school sort of. You can't do that. The rest of the people broadcasted by CNN opposed Trump's views.
The problem with Secretary Minuchin's argument is that the person complaining is not the employer but Trump. He should butt out. He's not the boss of everybody. In most businesses, use of the company plane by an employee and his trophy wife to view the eclipse would be a fining offense. No wonder he's sucking up to the boss!
Millions without power, fresh water ect ect in Puerto Rico. And these floating in money pussies kneeling for the anthem is some kinda priority?? . I think they took to many injuries to the head.. Seriously some dumb motherfuckers that couldn't operate a mop and bucket. You'all got to have rocks in your heads as well to give them any moments of your time.. Think its dumb now. Wait til the StupidBowl LII..
I agree with this. Trump saying that about athletes being fired for not standing for the national anthem was a jackass move. All it's gonna do is politicize sports even more. It will encourage more athletes who don't like Trump to kneel like an idiot. And it will make athletes who stand look like Trump supporters. Sports is a good way to escape the dreariness of politics. NFL's ratings are plummeting for this reason, and others. When candidate Trump tweeted that flag burners should be thrown in jail, it was just a way to encourage the never-Trumpers to burn flags and brag about it on social media. Thereby making them look unpatriotic. It worked favorably for him. But this time it doesn't at all.
BLM jumped the shark in so many ways. They made Bernie look like a fool, taking his mic and making him sit down while they ranted about shit that MOST white people in the US are not doing, have not done and have no intention to do. I get so sick of racism and thought it was on the decline, but nope, it's back in full bloom thanks to BLM. Heresy? Of course. After all, I'm the world's worst enemy, an "old white man". I have single-handedly deposed whole nations, decimated Indians, enslaved black people and turned women into second class citizens. Only, I never did any of that shit. So blaming me for it because I'm white? Isn't there a word for that? Prejudging a person because of their color. Discriminating against them because of their color AND gender. Isn't there a word or two for that? Naaaaaa, of course not. I "deserve" all of that hate since I have this tint to my skin and a thing dangling between my legs that makes me sit with them apart to the chagrin of so many women who don't know what's it's like to squash yer nads by holding knees together just to keep her from bitching for the whole subway ride. Face it folks, we're all different, downright diverse even. So lamenting one group while promoting another, is wrong. Seriously WRONG. Yes, black lives DO count. But so too do black deaths. Unless that is addressed in realistic terms, instead of foisting it "ALL" onto the oinkers (who I have no affinity for, but I'm smart enough not to anger) why should I take this "movement" seriously? They aren't doing shit for poor black kids or all those homeless black people in the Caribbean. Nope, they only turn out when a cop offs a black guy in proximity to places that are easy to loot (peacefully of course). Consider how nobody can name any of Dylan Roof's victims. Why? Because the whole event was hijacked to make a political play for the Confederate flag of all things. Sorry folks, I think BLM is a con job. What amazes me is how many people they con. It's almost Trump-esque.
How would you quantify "too" patriotic? Look around the world at the people who love their nation. When I was in Turkey I was impressed by all the flags they had hanging out of people's windows, balconies and sailboat masts. They freakin LOVE their country and so far I don't see too many people bitching about it. Same as Mexican folks, they LOVE their flag and wave it all over the place (even in other countries). Without pride in our nation, what's the point of having a nation? Especially one as diverse as the US.
And we burn all the flags and we name them And we burn all the flags and rename them And we all say get out of my life Fuck my country Fuck your country Because I love you And I love this Earth