Black Holes are Negative Matter

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by wooleeheron, Sep 1, 2018.

  1. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

  2. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    Wow you talk some rubbish
  3. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    My mother dropped me on my head.
  4. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    How do porcupines mate? Very carefully. While cats do it with a lot of biting, pulling of fur, barbed penises, and yowling.
  5. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    This could explain a lot, including the insidious alien anal probe mind control conspiracy behind the illuminati.
  6. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    I'm listening.

  7. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Its starting to get annoying, one or two threads yeah fine

    But you are starting to fill up the science forum with what reads like you read a few headlines, dropped some acid, then rant for a while
  9. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Down the basement stairs! But she gave me candy!
    Mountain Valley Wolf likes this.
  10. Mountain Valley Wolf

    Mountain Valley Wolf Senior Member

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    My Archephenomenalist concept of the black hole---which may relate in some ways to yours is as follows:

    Consider the actual physical mass of an atom in terms of its occupied space---it is somewhere around .000000000000001% of the actual space, which means that 99.999999999999% of the atom is empty space. This includes the space between electrons and the electrons and the nucleus and so forth.
    If we were to collapse almost all of that empty space inside of all the atoms of the earth, as an example, then the earth and everything on it would be shrunk down to about the size of a golf ball, but the mass (weight) of the earth would still be the same. Then if we squeeze that last little tiny bit of empty space out of this highly concentrated mass, then suddenly the earth would disappear in the sense that it would be a hole in space-time; it would become a black hole. In other words there is a paradox here that physical objects that seem to be concrete and so dense that there is no empty space within them, are actually almost entirely empty space---and if we were to squeeze them so hard that there is no empty space within them, they would actually disappear as a hole in space-time. In other words, reality is not as it seems, and if we were to shape that reality into what we believe it to be, we get a reality that is opposite of how we reason it to be.

    As I have explained elsewhere, my concept of physical reality is that it exists only within the present, and that present represents only those particles that are currently collpased and have a position in space-time. the dimensions of this physicality is in terms of planck time and planck length---basically dimensions that are as close to infinitely small as physically possible (below these dimensions physicality is scientifically impossible). We perceive particles as always in motion, so any position (physicality) they would have would only last for an incredibly small period of time, hence we are speaking in terms of Planck time. Also, In any present moment, nothing completely exists, in fact, these dimensions are so small that not even complete particles exist (outside of zero-mass particles that is). The reason why nothing completely exists is that we couldn't expect a particle to be collapsed and maintain a position for any period of time if it is constantly going from wave to particle and particle to wave, and we also could not expect all particles of an object to be collapsed at the same time as all other particles within that object. We perceive objects as complete because we experience reality across many moments of present---across time because mind transcends physicality, and therefore transcends the physical present. This simply means that physicality is more phenomena then materiality, so this is really a theory that fits into a holographic universe.

    An implication of this is that the universe is incredibly small, and the three spatial dimensions are nothing more than the result of phenomena (information) directing, showing, or demonstrating, physical manifestation based on the Universal Constant (the speed of light). After all, a hologram does not have to be anywhere as big as the reality it portrays.

    One dynamic that is involved in the collapse of particles within an object is that of decoherence--in other words there is an interaction between the collapsing particles that represents a decoherence within the quantum wave-field. It is as if the decoherence causes the collapse but it is hard to say exactly how decoherence is involved and where the causal relationship is. However there is a connection between position and decoherence. We could say that within the decoherence the two mutual positions of the interacting are defined. Furthermore, for purposes of this discussion, there is the issue of the Xeno effect----named after one of the earliest Greek philosophers that argued that there is no true movement because at any given moment of time an object that appears in motion has a single position. In Quantum Mechanics the Xeno Effect refers to the possibility that an observed particle may maintain its position for the length of the observation (which is a very simplistic way to explain this). In experiments performed several years ago, they were actually able to demonstrate it by slowing down---photons, if I remember correctly without digging up the article. The idea here is that we are maintaining decoherence which may keep the particle (or particles) in a same position (Or speaking in terms of Archephenomenalism---that in each new moment of Now, a particle reappears in the same position as it is observed.)

    One way to look at this decoherence is that there is a sharing of quantum information between what collapses into 2 particles. For example, a photon being absorbed by an atom would be a decoherent event; therefore when a photon is absorbed by an atom within a shiny object, quantum information is passed from the photon to the atom which then results in a photon being generated by the atom carrying that same Quantum Information (in a process we call reflection--and so we see our face reflected in a mirror for example).

    But what of a physical object that physically collapses to a point that is so dense that all of its empty space is squeezed out---would this represent a state of perpetual decoherence? Would this represent perpetually defined positions for every point of mass contained within? If such a condition were to exist within the physical present than it would mean that where every other object is only partially present within each present Now, this collapsed object would be fully manifested making it potentially too big for the hologram that is the physical universe. Therefore it would be pushed out of the present leaving a hole where it had a defined position. If it is pushed out of the universe, where would it be pushed to? It is pushed into the future. This is not a future that we would ever achieve, rather it is simply perpetually pushed into the future.

    So this creates a new problem. Archephenomenalism holds that there is no physical existence outside of the present Now (what I refer to as the Quantum Now). Outside of the Quantum Now is the 4th dimension---what we perceive as time, but what is actually the quantum wave-field, which Archephenomenalism posits as nonphysical, as well as other higher dimensions, such as that of mind. Is the Black Hole an exception to this? Or does the mere fact that it is outside of the physical present mean that it is no longer a physicality but is nonphysical?

    There has been a discussion among some scientists of all atomic particles as miniature black holes. This may provide an answer to whether or not an Archephenomenalist version of a black hole is physical. But first let me explain how I see a black hole in terms of a single particle.

    Archephenomenalism treats particles as collapsing from a quantum wave-field in a Quantum Now and then returning to that wave-field. For that brief infinitely small moment of Now lasting no more than 1 Planck Time, they have a position, as opposed to the reality of the wave which is that of energy---in other words a reality at the speed of light. After that infinitely small moment the particle therefore returns to the wave-field---in other words returns to the realm of the speed of light. The collapse therefore represents a move to rest mass along the lines of, m = E/c^2. The return to the wave-field would then represent relativistic mass returning to energy as E = mc^2. But mass cannot achieve the speed of light unless it is zero mass, which presents a problem when trying to use Einstein to explain wave-particle duality in this manner. (The problem is that as anything with mass approaches the speed of light, its relativistic mass increases, requiring ever greater force, until eventually it reaches infinite mass just before reaching the speed of light.)

    However Archephenomenalism may provide some solutions---for one thing we are speaking of physicality lasting no more than one Planck time by one Planck length, which represents an equal light-time by light-distance (1 Plank Length is the distance that a photon moves in 1 Planck Time). Light experiences zero-time and therefore has zero-mass because it exists in, or experiences, space-time in terms of an equal light-time by light-distance (in other words it moves at the speed of light). Therefore physicality as it exists within 1 Quantum Now is actually a zero-mass zero-time entity which simply generates the phenomena or information of mass. A proton, for example, cannot actually exist in a single Quantum Now---as the diameter of a proton is ten to the twentieth (10^20) times bigger than 1 Planck length. Therefore, we are really just getting the phenomena of a ghost of a proton, unless we actually needed a whole proton---which would then require at least 1 x 10^20 Quantum Nows (or about the time it would take a photon to move across the diameter of a proton).

    The God Theory is extremely predictive and refers to mass as inertia in terms of photons trapped in place by the zero-point energy field and we therefore may actually be dealing with this level of physicality within a single Quantum Now---the proton as photons.

    But insofar as the generated phenomena/information represents actual mass, we must expect that it would behave accordingly from the context of an observer. Therefore even though the ghost particle may have zero-mass, and return quickly to the wave-field it would still appear in terms of relativistic mass because that is the phenomena it generated. It therefore appears to have more mass than it actually does, which means it is closer to its Schwarzschild radius in terms of its perceivable or observable mass.

    Every object has a Schwarzschild Radius---and if its observable mass drops below this radius then it becomes a blackhole. Since relativistic mass is observer dependent, and the phenomena is what is observed rather than the actual partial particle, if we were to observe a single Quantum Now (which is impossible due to its infinitessimal size) we may witness relativistic mass increase, which in turn represents an increase of the Shwarzschild radius, for an object that in truth is small enough to fit into a Quantum Now, and therefore quickly breaks through this observed Schwarzschild Radius and disappears as a black hole. But the noumenal reality of this is that the object, as zero-mass, has reverted back to the wave-field.

    In our reality all of this happens too quickly to be observed and what we truly observe is a series of Quantum Nows that leave the phenomena of a proton. But in this manner we can see that a particle is like a miniature blackhole, but more importantly, that breaking through the Schwarzschild Radius represents a return to the nonphysical wave-field state.

    To return to the stellar blackhole---we can therefore argue breaking through its Schwarzschild radius---squeezing out all of its empty space---creating a perpetual decoherence---pushing it out of our present reality and into the future, returns it to a nonphysical quantum wave-field state. We would never be able to perceive that this black hole has returned to the wave-field, because in our present moment, all we can perceive is a hole in space-time (and since only the present has physical existence, this always actually is no more than a space-present)---a 3 dimensional hole that always pulls any mass coming close to it into a continuous Shwarzschild radius where it disappears. Likewise, a spinning object that crashes through its Schwarsschild radius would leave a 3 dimensional spinning hole in Space-Present.

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