Are you planning to max out your credit card? Or lie down in a darkened room until it goes away? I know it's obviously a big thing in the States, but it's now been imported into the UK as well. As if consumerism isn't already a powerful enough driver in the Western World for giving people meaning to their lives. Friday is pay day for me, but I won't be buying anything, unless it's beer
Friday is pub day for me. Maybe I'll buy a schnitzel as a meal, I dunno but rest assured 95% of my money is going down my throat and then into a toilet
Same here. I would not stoop to that level for anything. There is nothing worth getting up at 3 in the morning to stand outside some store in the cold with a bunch of imbeciles.
I never participate in that bullshit. I won't be spending a dime on Friday besides whatever my usual day calls for.
Yup it is the cheapskate race. I have one item I am going to get on Friday. One store, one item. Here it is crowded but so far still fairly civil. So she says until someone hits her to get that item.
With the kids, my daughters pretty much have to take advantage of Black Friday to afford what they want to get them.
i don't use credit, and i celebrate peace and love, not religious fanaticism, nor fanatical mercantilism. holy days should be a time to unwind. not a time to get all wound up. sorry if another year is slipping by without my contributing to the local retail economy. but my zero tolerance for stress and aggressiveness are what they are. my heart tells me to be gracefully old. not gratuitously hectic.
I was just watching the local news here at work when they interviewed some black guy who was already waiting in his car in the parking lot of Best Buy ahead of tomorrow. All for a big-screen TV, of course. What is it with black people and their obsession with big-screen TV's? It seems like every black person I'e ever met, regardless of how poor they are, has a big-screen TV.
somehow this retardation inhibits the otherwise average human being, to wait in line for an item that has been the same price year round..
I finished my Christmas shopping a month ago. Granted I only give to a couple people at this time in my life. The only shopping I will do tomorrow is at the local nursery. I will be getting a grave blanket to put on Mom's grave. I like to get it to the cemetery before Mom's birthday November 30.