My favorite bad brains album. Super fast. Recorded in darryls basement 1978-
Fuckin awesome man. U don't need me to tell ya but bad brains is amazingly awesome. A perfect example of how street punk is a UN- catchable style. LOL people can't get past poorly put together songs, terrible recordings sounds and u always get the peoeple complaining about how they cant make out what is being sang- and I reply with BITCH please, so all the sudden you?? give a shit about lyrical content?? . but I feel that the music, what ever it be, street punk,oi!, reggae, soul, funk, anything - is good the way it is. For example I like flux of pink Indians shitty sound and almost seemingly nonstop screeching guitars on their strive to survive album. I most likely would not accept it if it was cleaned up. I could go on for hours but yes bad brains are worth learning about and listening to.