Black child made over 1-grand selling N-word passes

Discussion in 'People' started by 6-eyed shaman, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I love it

    Prison » 11-Year-Old Black Child Made $1K Selling ‘N-Word Passes’ to White Friends in School

    So apparently this kids white adopted SJW parents were “mortified” to learn he was selling n-word passes to all his non-black peers at school for $25-50 a piece.

    If this were my kid I’d be proud. This kid is a future multi-millionaire entrepreneur! :D Such a great idea.

    Personally I wouldn’t pay that much for a n-word pass if I was permanently able to say it without consequences. The only use I would get out of owning an n-word pass, would be to sing some of my favorite rap lyrics, and recite some funny lines from a black comedian. That’s all.

    This story comes to a sad ending when the kid’s parents took his money and donated it to some “anti-racist organization” whatever that means. I agree with the article concluding the following:

  2. MartNorth

    MartNorth Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Hell, I'm proud of that kid even though he's not mine and I most likely I'll never meet him. His"parents" need to have theirs ASSES KICKED.
    only use I'd get out of such a 'pass' is having supported the kid. Kinda like I'll by stuff I don't eat because its sugar and white flour but the kids are raising money for some school trip
  3. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Now, I imagine it has stopped now and the kids parents aren’t allowing him to do it anymore. The kids who bought one ought to be smartEr, get the kid to sign it and resell it on eBay, framed at a huge profit.
  4. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    What sent you over the edge was it Trumps disastrous poll numbers, or the pandemic, which has forced you out of your trailer home and onto
    the streets with your squeegee and bucket cleaning windshields?
  5. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I guess the lesson is that sometimes your black friends don't care. Black people are not a hive mind so some are more offended by words than others. I would not say I see any entrepreneurial pride in taking advantage of a kids kindness. Clearly these white kids knew the word was bad and hopefully they understand it's not OK to call every black person that.
  6. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    Huh? What does this angry rant of yours have to do with this topic?

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