WTF! The one thing that gets you to do something even against you're better judgement... The thing you care the most about yet repeatedly deny... The reason you stay up late and sleep in... what you spend half you're paycheck on... Goddamnit, and for what? I smoked her out, got what I wanted and she left, and suddenly it doesn't seem worth it now that im alone with nothing left to smoke... And im not talking ciggarretes here, so now im stuck awake like an owl with only 2 ciggarretes and 1 beer(thats not even mine) and it looks like I'll be watching the sunrise... And did I mention im not even in the same town anymore? How could I let her lead me so far astray... ?
I didn't mean for it to sound like that... or did I? Im not sure anymore... Im just a fool... Being foolish.