
Discussion in 'Barefoot' started by Killa1989, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. Killa1989

    Killa1989 Members

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    I think birkinstocks might be the solution to my foot shyness and my start to show my feet bare.
    They’re so comfortable it feels like I’m wearing shoes lol
  2. BarefootedBoy

    BarefootedBoy Members

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    I have had Birkenstocks in the past, but bare feet are better. And I'm not shy about 'em, either.
    Grand prix likes this.
  3. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Birks are cool, but my feet are shameful! :)
  4. barefootPatrick

    barefootPatrick Members

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    If that’s what you need to do to overcome your barefoot shyness then go right ahead. Maybe that will help you become totally barefoot. Society is so anti-barefoot. And avid barefooters have to develop a skin that is as thick as the soles of their feet. If and when you actually do go all out barefeet, the rare negative comments that you may get or the insistence of the store manger that you need footwear can just roll off your back. I’m barefoot all the time and get very little negativity. I have been approached in some stores and was told about needing something on my feet. Meh- fuck em! What can they do. I generally tell them that I’m on my way out anyhow.
    So work up your nerve and get your feet totally bare. You’ll totally love it and even be happier with yourself.
    mattygroves likes this.
  5. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i had to google birkenstocks. they are not what i would have imagined from that name. it sounds like the kind of shoes you would wear with an expensive suit, but instead it's the kind of sandals you would wear with an expensive suit.
  6. mmicmann

    mmicmann Member

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    Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing Birkenstocks, but I know they're popular. But anything on your feet is missing the point: your soles interacting with the surfaces they come in contact with.
  7. Barefoot-boy

    Barefoot-boy Member

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    Birks are kind of pricey, but if you want to go that method have at it. I found that wearing flip flops were highly beneficial due to the fact that it's just a sole and a v shaped strap. You are pretty much barefoot except for the thin piece of rubber underneath you. They are also a lot cheaper.

    Sandals and flip flops are a great way to conquer foot shyness. Now that they are commonplace for males of all ages, there's a lot fewer reasons to be shy about your feet. The majority of people won't take a second look nowadays.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2019
  8. mattygroves

    mattygroves Members

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    Don't care for Birkenstocks, they cover too much up and look ugly, like quite a lot of the flip flops and sandals that men wear.
    When I can't go barefoot I prefer Slim Havaianas with a nice thin sole and minimal straps, about as close as you can get to bare feet.
    I have a pair of tan coloured ones that apparently make me look like I'm barefoot from any kind of distance.
    BarefootedBoy likes this.
  9. mattygroves

    mattygroves Members

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  10. fatelvis

    fatelvis Member

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    They're pretty comfortable and easy to kick off when you get to the movie, restaurant, friends' house, etc, if you don't have the nerve to go entirely barefoot, or if you have a companion who objects.

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