This would be amazing if passed. And it would quickly lead to the deterioration of the goal of a one world government. I don't see it passing very easily though, if at all.
We need a political renaissance on this planet. A planetary government seems to work well on Star Trek, Star Wars and and to a lesser degree A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. But in most of those scenarios the advanced nations seem to let the primitive or less advanced live to themselves, even peacefully. On earth we don't have that. We have the opposite. The UN has proven to be a relic, but was still a good idea, way back then. All it seems to do now is pack dollars into the bras of whores and the pockets of pimps and crooked cops. To be fair, the UN should be located off shore, on a platform in the middle of the ocean that belongs to no nation and all nations. The only thing keeping it in New York proves is that American whores are still the most sought after in the world. Do we need this distinction?
That is too much, the UN has finally discovered the one thing they might be good for! That is, until NATO attacks UN forces. The US currently supplies half their budget.
Whisky Tango Foxtrot - Isolation better than Unification? = Never a good idea If this occurs there is a real danger that the US will become outcasted from the World stage - and no one likes a dangerous animal in the wild..erness
Never happen. Too many nations hold their hand out every year for US aid. They're not going to stop taking it over this UN nonsense. And how are you defining "unification"? Can you imagine the way cultures around the planet will be destroyed by a one world government? Ultimately the whole planet would have to choose a common language and many cultural holidays and traditions will have to be eliminated simply to keep people working. The US has always been a composite of the world's people. When they come here we expect them to become Americans, sure, but nobody tells them they must ditch their culture and traditions (unless, of course, they impinge on the rights of other Americans). My suggestion for offshoring the UN was not about isolation, it's about getting it off of US soil so we can use the property for something more useful. Consider how underutilized it is right now. In the middle of the ocean, security would be much easier to manage as well. Consider that if this "dangerous animal" decided to REALLY isolate back in the 20th century, everyone in the UK would likely be goose-stepping to school to this day. Are we Americans only "cool" when we beat back bullies?
The US is their mama and papa who they all cry to when they need something and talk smack about behind their back. Among other things, we supply disaster relief to half the world and if we were to abandon them there is no way the UN could fill in those shoes, much less, accomplish anything else. Without the US supporting them half their budget and manpower is gone and all that would be left is a bunch of politicians signing pieces of paper with no teeth in them whatsoever. They would become the laughing stock of the world as if they already were not widely considered a useless mouthpiece for the US. This bill is just some members attempting to embarrass the US and, with Trump in office, its good timing.
I wonder if under Trump there will be Handouts given (even if asked for) When I make reference to unification, it is in the broadest sense, that being together (under an umbrella of UN) = a coming together of countries/Nations, separate by cultures but striving towards a common good - to think of the 'we', is much better than separate Nation state/s thinking of the 'me' Moving th UN from the US however is a good idea - Brussells ? As for the goose stepping scenario - the UK was fighting this bully for a good three years before Pearl Harbour saw the entrance of Team America - who did indeed provide huge industrial and manpower instrumental in bringing the European conflict to an end - prior to the dispatching of (x2) WMD to bring to a conclusion WW actions - and then going into South East Asia to sort out the bullies there
You're conveniently leaving out the part about the US supplying England with regular shipments of supplies and weapons well ahead of Pearl Harbor. At great peril as fantastic numbers of US ships were routinely sunk on the way. While the Battle of Britain, an amazing achievement given the circumstances, staved off an invasion, you surely know it couldn't be sustained if Germany had regrouped instead of stabbing Russia in the back. If not for that bit of insanity on Hitler's part, Britain would have been carved up by both of them. It would have been as humiliating as what happened to Poland. As for the bombs dropped on Japan, you're talking to the wrong guy. My grandfather was on a little island waiting to invade Japan after slogging across several Pacific islands. Instead the atomic bombs were dropped, and he came home instead. My mother was born a year later. I surely owe my existence to atomic warfare as do hundreds of thousands of Americans. I won't shed a tear for the Japanese of that time, they knew what they were doing. They fought dirty and died dirty. As for the topic of the thread, as an American taxpayer I paid enough in each the last 5 years to feed 7 families, for each of those 5 years. Consider how much of that was funneled to the UN and other offshore "priorities". I do my part as do most Americans. Please tell me what other nation demonstrates this level of altruism. I'm thinking the UK is actually pretty close, at about 1/3 of the US effort, so accept a tip of the lid. If we had more jobs in the US, we could afford to be far more generous. Unless shipping our jobs overseas is to become a factor in that generosity. So what does the UN actually DO again? Because "unity" doesn't seem to be their priority.
Word. We (and I'm not talking just the US; I'm talking major world powers) will either exploit less advanced nations for their resources, or we will use them as battlefields for proxy wars against our enemies. As far as leaving the UN (or NATO for that matter), it will never happen. The US has too much influence on the UN security council and will never give that up. No government on Earth gives up any of it's power willingly, whether that power is obsolete or not.
The Roman empire set the current model which, at its most advanced, will invest in the infrastructure of third world countries in order to raise their standard of living so they can essentially make more money off the locals. Other empires did similar things in the past, but the Romans invented the rudiments of modern bureaucracy turning it into a more organized franchise. What is coming next is self-organizing systems logic that is less contentious and incredibly cheaper and more efficient to implement with organizations already dedicating themselves to ending problems such as destitute poverty and lack of basic food, clothing, and medicine with the next fifty years. The political tendency to install dictators in third world countries will decrease as the profits to made from helping locals lift themselves by their bootstraps increases and cooperation becomes more advantageous than superpowers fighting among themselves. Once we have a theory of everything a lot of the current bullshit cutthroat poker will cease to be meaningful.
I'm not getting into Historical events (for there are far more factors to be considered, debated and mused over - and not really what this thread is about) Like many things - the concept of the UN is sound, the intention to 'unify' has great merit and embracing of it's principles morally to be championed - however the lack of delivery, down to self-indulged wants (over needs) and questionable decision making is down to people and not the intention of it's purpose Better; I feel, to be in and drive with conviction for improvement, than leave and have no say - however - I'm sure there are good reasons for those who wish to opt out - and set up either a fresh (and perhaps elitist) group or as a Nation alone
Its instant karma baby, and this train ain't stopping until she derails, but nothing lasts forever and this train is burning the candle at both ends and ready to fly off the tracks! The issue has always been how do we individually and collectively pick up the pieces and create a better world. Rainbow Warriors call it "Childhood's End" which, of course, is never-ending in Neverland and the question remains how to avoid falling in the first place, with, falling gracefully counting for extra points in duets.