Bike neon and iron men

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by xxxmnc, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. xxxmnc

    xxxmnc Guest

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    Are they good??
  2. upperlevel

    upperlevel Member

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    Nobody will be able to tell you. Some other forums focus on identifying prints and doseages and such, but that is kind of dangerous because of the easy availability of blank blotter art prints. I've noticed that we usually steer clear of that here.
    Just do your research on NBOMEs, Bromo Dragonfly, and DOx, as these are easily the most popular adulterants. Then you should be able to identify them yourself by taste and by duration of the experience. Just take a low dose to start.

    EDIT: Yes I know how big of a pain that is to do every time you buy new acid, but its the only way other than buying reagent test kits. This is why many people test a batch and then buy in bulk to avoid the hassle over and over.
  3. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    Upperlevel has it right. Blotter art gets copied so the good stuff can become bad quickly. For example the Albert Hoffman print has been known to be good LSD for years but has recently become popular for NBOME. Why? Because you expect a Hoffman to be LSD. A lab is also probably putting out many types of art to so they appear to maybe be coming from different places. I know that is what I would do, one design is too easy to trace.

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