well that makes two of us. there is no form of prejudice, and that includes ideological, economic and religious, as well as the more obvious ethnic and gender bias, that is not every bit as evil and harmful, as every other bigotry in any form. i have preferences based on respect for the connectedness of all things, when it comes to how technologies and infrastructure are done. but they are not based on any sort of out of hand rejection of anything without rational basis. i also choose to not be around individuals when the choose to be annoying. but again this has nothing to do with anything other then an individuals choice of behavior. not anything else about them.
If we are splitting hairs, then you yourself have a biggted intolerance for what you deem bigots....so do two wrongs make it right? seems a bit hypocritical....to me....
lol, i saw the irony in that too .. intolerant of intolerant people yea, they kinda disgust me too tho
Is a bigot by default one that bothers others with their intolerance? If not, I love bigots who choose not to be verbal about their bigotry all the time. They must be at least as wise (socially) as the self proclaimed tolerant people who spew their dislike against bigots :biggrin:
I'm not following this logic at all. Bigotry is a horrible personality flaw, based in ignorance. Saying it's okay to be a bigot is not similar to saying it's okay to be black, female, homosexual, Jewish, etc. Bigotry could vanish from the earth and no one would miss it. We would all be better off.
Things have gotten a bit better (for you younger folks..I hope) Back in the old days- -every black man in the army(overseas- IMP they was treated as friggin bait- and therefore turned on thier superiors often,, and the basic training down in Texas was criminal, , i would like to think we,ve made some strides..?? From those of you a bit older>>>> NO or Yes??------
Outright bigots are easy to deal with and avoid. Those who have managed to acquire the social skills and political correctness to mask it are more worrisome.
I encounter the closet bigots on occasion. Its usually an older lady who looks around to make sure there are no people of color around then leans forward and whispers some shockingly passively aggressive racist remark. Then of course as soon as people like this find themselves in a more diverse crowd they brag about how they get along with everyone and don't see color.