I can't help hoping that this is the week that the whole thing begins to accelerate. So many thoughtful and articulate pieces in mainstream media over the past few days and a significant piece on CNN Sunday evening. http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/09/health/gupta-weed-reaction/index.html?hpt=he_t2 Dear President Obama, The time has come for you to cease standing by silently while 1000s upon 1000s of people are hurt, in some cases destroyed as a direct result of the failed "war on drugs" - people hurt, even destroyed for smoking dope just as you did! Cannabis is the safest intoxicating substance in the world. Legalize marijuana. Yer Pal, TM
Thanks for sharing this...even if it's a CNN talking head/puppet, it is always good to hear the truth about marijuana in mainstream media.