I'm sick and tired of claims that "big girls have better sex". Claims that bigger girls are somehow more skilled in bed, feel better in bed, or whatever is really an insult to smaller/skinny girls and I'm fed up with it. My girlfriend is really small (short, and thin) but our sex is amazing. It's an insult to both of us when people claim that she may not be "as good in bed". Sex has nothing to do with body size and everything to do with chemistry, experience, open mindedness, etc. Right? Has anybody else heard this? What's the deal? And please, lets not get into anecdotal warfare and trade stories. Individual mileages vary greatly - I understand that. But I'm looking for ANY sort of grounds for this common misconception. It irks me. It's up there with the "Well B students are smarter than A students". Arg!
Have never heard that big girls are better. I married a petite girl, and she's great. Have had a couple of other petite women all have lots of energy. Easy to get in any position.
:rofl: I've never heard this before. The thought that anyone is better or worse at sex as a result of their fat content is both ignorant and hilarious. Also equally hilarious that something so dumb makes you so angry. You enjoy sex with your gf? Awesome. Don't give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks about it.
It's just a thing big girls say on Maury. Not worth fussing over and is certainly not true. An old black man once told me that a skinny women is a deep well. I found this to be true once I figured it out.
Sorry. yes I did get a smidge worked up. But it was said to us at a party, in person! It was one of those booze fueled debates that was, while heated, definitely full of laughter. I guess my angst was the hangover of it. My lass and I were both sober and talking about how, really, somebody believes that? crazy. Thank you for talking me down off the ledge lol. Maury. yes.
You tell them your girlfriend vagina is like a magical unicorn, and to mind their own fucking business.
That's just as ignorant as saying big girls do it best. It's like a penis size debate. No one wins, and it comes down to personal preference.
And thats my personal preference duh. Besides you're just saying that bc you're a big girl, you dislike me and I'm also petite so of course I'm going to say that. Ariana Grande is petite. 5' nothing and so teenieeee.
You're right, I'm closing in on 600lbs now. I even got a new crane and a rascal for Christmas! And ftr, I don't judge people by their size. I still wouldn't like you if you weren't petite.
it doesn't mean that big girls are better at sex, it means that sex is better for big girls because they're having sex with black guys, and all black guys have giant penises. really, i assume it's something that some fat girls might say to try and justify their overweightness.
One of my guy friends said that about fat girls and blow jobs lol. According to him they feel like they have to try harder.
It got immature when you got defensive over your own self image. Don't be ridiculous, you're not 600lbs but you know you are not a small chick. Heard you were leaving, guhbye!
It's a non sequitur AND the OP said it was a debate from whence alcohol was involved. Therefore that undercuts it's ability to be a serious topic anyhow, other than it's political incorrectness for mere drunken entertainment. Let's just agree on that since we are all adults that know people have preferences on lots of things, especially in romance and intimacy.
I picked up on this skinny little thing one night, after a night of drinking we went back to her place and got rollin around. Going at it all hot and heavy I had her bent up like a pretzel when all of a sudden Snap off popped an arm That shit don't happen with a woman with a little meat on her bones. Better or not you don't have to worry about a arm or leg poppin off
Unless it's zombie roleplay...then that works perfectly. -- But seriously she dislocated something during intimacy? -- I do want to say though that I believe beauty norms are starting to adhere to more scientifically supported ideals regarding healthy diet, increase exercise, healthier ways of working out, and very anti-media driven images about beauty. I think it is very fair to say that if one is 400-600, they aren't probably in a good personal place. I don't think it's healthy for anybody's heart or body to be that big, and anybody that heavy with muscle is probably on steroids or something.