Big brother

Discussion in 'Reality TV' started by DarkSecret, Jun 21, 2006.

  1. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Sadly, Helen has run out of allies and options. Unless she wins the veto, she will be going home this week, mostly due to a double-cross from Andy.

    Amanda has taken over the game, and most of the group isn't smart enough to turn on her. At this point, it's her game to lose.

    It's just TV. :chillpill: People don't have to give up all shallow entertainment to keep up with important issues. Most forms of entertainment have little or nothing to do with anything serious. That's why we like them.
  2. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Believe me, I wouldn't take their shallow entertainment from them :D It's better to keep them of the streets. JK I watch garbage as well sometimes. I just don't get this kind of garbage of which we all know by now it is rarely reality tv in the true-est sense.
    I suppose it can be fun to watch cheap and shallow people struggle to win some shitty price. But if you see them bored hanging on the couch or arguing with eachother because they are stressed and competitive and bored I am not sure which person I find more pathetic. The ones who are in the show or the ones who are watching that shit.
  3. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I don't know which I enjoyed more this week, watching Amanda's total meltdown, or Aaryn's hostile exit interview by Julie Chen.

    I said this was Amanda's game to lose, and she flushed it down the toilet this week with her relentless psychobitch behavior. Without a doubt, she's going home this week, with her real-life reputation destroyed by her own toxic personality.

    It was only a matter of time until Aaryn got her ass handed to her by Julie for making racist and homophobic comments, and it was worth the wait. Better than I expected. The audience laughed at her for trying to defend herself! :D They called bullshit. :cheers2:
  4. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    I'll bet all the people who booed at her never talked shit about anyone ever before in their life, because that would make them hateful hypocrites!

    I felt a little bad for Aaryn, she's ignorant but no racist. If simply imitating stereotypes is all it takes to be racist then 99% of the entire human race is racist. Imitating stereo types is not itself racist. Neither is making a comment about the attributes of one persons pigmentation. Who wants to live in a world where you can't even mention basic personal physical attributes without being accused of being racist.

    If your going to accuse someone of being racist, first learn what it actually means. Furthermore be prepared to provide evidence where this person has demonstrated a CLEAR NEGATIVE BIAS TOWARD AN ENTIRE RACE OF PEOPLE. I've yet to hear anyone prove to me that Aaryn is in fact a racist. I actually hope she sues CBS for insinuation and defamation without any evidence that she's actually racist.

    Prosecute people on FACTS, not ASSUMPTIONS!
  5. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    They broadcast what she said. She had to sign a release to be on the show.
  6. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    OK, they recorded her and called her racist. So where is the recording of her being racist?
    I've yet to see her actually being racist. Did she ever say, "I don't like Candace because she's black"?
    Because that would be racist.

    If I said "Candace is a black bitch". Is that sentence racist? Did I say ALL black people are bitches? Did I say Candace is a bitch BECAUSE she's black? NOT AT ALL. LEARN WHAT REAL RACISM IS! That sentence may be offensive but it is NOT RACIST!
  7. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    No, they broadcast everything live, and played some of it back a second and third time. Then she was questioned about it by Julie, and had no good answers. I saw the original conversations. People in the house (especially Candice) made it clear to her at the time that they were offended by some of her comments, and she didn't give a fuck. Also, some of her friends told her she was going too far.

    Viewers are calling her a racist. Her employer agreed, and fired her. She doesn't know it yet. Now, she is in trouble with people in her hometown for saying that everybody in Texas jokes around like that. They say no, not everybody in Texas thinks racist comments are funny or cute. Her mother is worried about vandalism.

    Lesson to be learned: If you can't control your mouth and/or don't know what is offensive to other people, keep your ass off national television.
  8. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    AGAIN, offensive and racist are not mutually inclusive. My question is not "is she offensive", my question is "is she racist".

    AGAIN, show me evidence of her being RACIST. To hell will public opinion and assumptions. I'm not prepared to join a pitchfork mob and ruin someone's life over assumptions.
  9. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Who do you think can answer that question? :confused:

    She needs to worry about people she has to deal with in real life, not people on the internet from Canada.

    Probably, CBS needs to do a better job of warning future casts of the risks of saying too much about controversial topics. They can use some Aaryn footage to make a training video.

    By the way, law enforcement has completed their investigation of Spencer, and they found no evidence that he has had any involvement with child porn. Apparently, he was just making a tasteless and unfunny joke. So maybe, only three cast members will lose their regular jobs this season.
  10. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    The people near her real life better damn well be able to justify an answer to that question, that's who.

    Also Julie Chen had weeks to think up her comments, Aaryn didn't even know it was an issue.
  11. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    You bet she did! She was clearly enraged by the rice comment. I'm sure she wanted to say a lot more than she did in that interview, but was too professional to cross certain lines. I'm sure executive producer Allison Grodner reminded her of a few important things before the broadcast.

    Aaryn is young. She's going to learn a hard lesson, but ten years from now, she won't think about this much.

    This whole story is a good rebuttal to those who think all reality shows are worthless. Every now and then, they give us an in-depth look at human nature and the complexity of getting along with others in a diverse world.
  12. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    Aaryn will be paying for this her whole life.

    Julie will have completely forgotten about this even before the next guy gets his penis chopped off.

    Good laughs over ruined lives, that's entertainment folks!

    ^ sarcasm, in case you didn't get it ^

    Julie Chen - Cutting mans penis off = funny. Asian jokes about making rice and doing nails = not funny.
  13. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    It's good that you understand the seriousness of a fuck-up of this magnitude. I feel some sympathy for Aaryn as a person, but the bigger story is the lesson that needs to be learned by millions of young people who choose to openly live their lives on reality TV, and YouTube, and Facebook, not thinking about what could go wrong. They need to be careful, or don't do it at all. It's not like talking shit around family and close friends, face to face, privately.

    I didn't laugh. There's nothing funny about it.

    Very soon, we'll see Amanda and possibly Gina Marie leave the game to sit in that same interview chair, with tough questions of their own to answer. Right now, Amanda is the most hated of all, and she isn't naïve like Aaryn. Nobody is going to cut her any slack. Gina Marie made yet another racially insensitive comment this weekend, but she's tough enough and playing well enough right now that she could go to the end, with a little luck.

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