So people like to talk about how everything is moving towards the "big brother" state and how they dont want this idea or that idea because it would in hibit their freedom. and yet no one thinks to say that about their new smart TV or Smart fridge. Check it out
all of that is possible and/or real but the over all picture he paints is kinda like the old "by the 21'st century we'll all have flying cars". internet objects actually "altering reality" ? no more than we alter reality when we make a grilled cheese sandwich.
true its but i dont think its a case of if we get that more a when we get all that, which like you said could be not untill hundreds of years have passed. and true again used correctly its not a problem the same as a sub dermal implant that contains id and bank info and even monitors your health is a good idea. but if someone was to abuse it.