They don't come out and call it latent heat, but that's what it is. Basically, they're saying the cosmic seed was so tiny it obeys quantum mechanics, and expressed a phase transition involving quantum gravity. Boiling water is an example, with the water having to boil for awhile before transforming into steam, because it stores latent heat required for it to suddenly transform into steam. In a chaotic system such as a cyclone, the system expresses extreme symmetry in its general spiral motion, but small fluctuations on the interior can become amplified as they expand outward, and phase transition is similar, expressing extreme symmetry that suddenly breaks when conditions are just right. A small cyclone might peter out fast, but the tiniest fluctuations can turn it into a serious hurricane, and when something like a pot of water hovers around the boiling point it doesn't take much chaos to make it suddenly convert into steam. In a phase transition, both global and local forces walk a drunkards walk, between efficiency and creativity.