It is interesting how we can have such opposite views on our leadership. I think it will be the end of our democracy if Trump or any of the most popular Republicans run for President and win in 2024. We have not recovered from Trump era enough to allow the pendulum to swing towards NORMALCY. I think Biden has worked very hard to bring stability back to our nation after 4 years of Trump making a mockery of everything sacred about our constitution It amazes me how we can have such opposite views... Is this what makes our country great? that we can say what we believe to be true without retribution? I was chatting with a guy last night. He informed me that the Trump indictment is just the beginning of the end - in a bad way. He said FEMA is buying closed big box stores, such as closed Walmarts, and will be using them to round up all the right wingers to put them away. Funny, I would have been more inclined to believe that if Trump was in power and those stores would be used to round up all the Liberals (or Libtards, as they're called) He is afraid that all our rifles will be taken from us. When I asked how we can stop these mass shootings and didn't he think something should be done - he did not answer but he restated that we must keep our guns at all costs. I still want to believe that such strong rhetoric coming from the alt-right is only a fraction of how most Americans really feel about things. I keep hoping this huge divide, this civil war, is not really happening. I keep hoping that we can allow each other to live freely, as we please, with laws to respect and to protect us. I'm hoping that bans on assault weapons and of high-capacity magazines can be put into place, and people with mental health issues will find help, and drag queens and access to books in our libraries will not be a priority to ban or burn. I keep hoping we will have access to affordable health care and Social Security to live a decent retirement - and that kids who are confused about what gender they are can also find help, and that women will have control of their bodies again.
So you want just the Republican party to remain? Or would you like to split it up, Mainstream GOP vs. MAGA? Sure, let's put an end to progress.
That's a new one. The crazy conspiracy theories keep on coming. We've had a couple Walmarts close here in Portland and I thought they might be good places to shelter homeless people, but to detain conservatives? Papa, you need to remember the saying, don't waste your time arguing with idiots!
I didn't argue... I listened. I wanted to get a bit of a reference point of where these ideas are coming from.
I prefer independents. But, anything but democrats. IMO democrats are the worst thing for America. The worst.
DeSantis is mainly because like him or not the man is educated "DeSantis graduated from Yale in 2001 with a B.A., magna cum laude" something trump is not (educated )
For a supposedly educated man he can not speak one sentence clearly. His explanations are tedious, unfounded in reality and mostly self-serving. Typical politician of the modern age.
It intrigues me why, in several countries not just the USA, a lot of their electorate consider someone with a degree, to be automatically a brilliant politician or someone to look up to. Being a great politician has little or nothing to do with any level of qualification because, qualification does != intelligence. (I mean brain power and not Intel). To be a good politician, that requires intelligence, mental dexterity, great communication skills and vision. (not to mention (also), the presence of a huge number of intelligent advisors and a strong team in both houses).
Heres hoping that Our President will engage with the Republican House caucus concerning the Debt Ceiling negotiations. Central bankers need help in taming inflation, all these rate increases are hurting.
Well @Piney I think the House Repbulicans better come up with something they can agree on before Biden can negotiate with thin air.
Sigh. Well, things have changed since January. Trump is by far the front-runner for the GOP, so no matter how much he lies, gets indicted or is found liable his supporters are there for him. And Ron DeSantis keeps fucking up, so he's dropping in the polls. Biden has announced he's running for re-election, and he's leading the polls for the Dems even though his approval rating keeps dropping. And if he doesn't fix both the debt ceiling crisis and the border crisis it will greatly increase Trump's chances of beating him. As for Gavin Newsom, he just announced that California's state deficit is $32 Billion, not a good premise for running for President. Think of that, four more years of Trump. I just might support a civil war.
The problem is, that they will all want to re-invent the wheel. Please can we have another term, now that we are fairly sure that circular ones are best.
Looks, like MTG, McCarthy, Boebert and Trump are securing a big win for Dems in 2024 . Conservatism has failed America, like Communism failed the Soviet Union.
I think (and I hope) she would be smart enough to rely heavily on the advice of the staff around her. She’s not surrounded by egotistical maniacs like that last administration. I’m thumbs up to the idea of Liz Cheney being Vice President!!