What better way to make it so "they" can pick the candidate instead of an honest primary? What if some pest like Bernie Sanders wanted the nomination, cant allow that ! I think we have all been duped.
The Tea Party sold our national security to China fifteen years ago, so they would have an excuse to declare Never-Ending-Armageddon-Again. After WWII, both Russia and China proved to be too big to ignore. Once the Soviet Union fell apart, and the bamboo curtain fell, everyone in the world rushed to invest in them as enormous markets to be exploited. But, all the numbers showed the Chinese are about to surpass the US in every way imaginable, weapons, technology, science, etc., while Putin is still living in the last century. If Russia didn't declare war, the US would have to, because we are racing the Chinese right now for the next scientific revolution. WWII was the first real application of quantum mechanics, and we are about to master quantum mechanics, but its nothing like what the idiots want. In a Goldilocks Universe, the perfect weapon can only be used for self-defense.
Are you praying for the Rature or Armageddon? Maybe, Peabody and Sherman can give you a ride on their Way back Machine !!!!
The delegate thing is from back when you had to ride a horse for days to take a trip anywhere. No instant communication like phones and stuff so every town and city delegated someone to go take a long ass ride and vote for them. Now they just take advantage of that antiquated method so they can cheat us.
Exactly! We don't need fucking delegates anymore with the Internet. Now is the time to create a true democracy with direct voting online.