
Discussion in 'Deadbear's Gym' started by MellowDonna, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. MellowDonna

    MellowDonna Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Is anybody out there into bicycling? I like to ride and recently bought my first new bicycle in quite a while. It's a Specialized Secteur Elite Apex ( I really like to get away for an hour or so and just pedal through the countryside. It's great exercise and mind-freeing. I've done it for years, but I can't find anybody chatting about cycling.
  2. Boogabaah

    Boogabaah I am not here

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    yes! i try to go for a 12 mile ride every week if the weather is permitting.
  3. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    I love bicycling, I just recently started. I have a mountain bike but its stuck in one gear so its hell to ride on hills. I haven't been riding as much as I would like because of that but my friend is selling me a cruiser for $20 so I'm gonna start riding everywhere after I get that. Its still hell on hills but much better than the one gear mountain bike.
  4. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    I was reading down the page, going "damn, that's a pretty sexy bike, and looks like a comfy ride"

    Then I saw the 10-speed casette.

    That shit's disgusting.

    12 speeds foar lyfe.

    *edit* rejoyce at your one gear, it makes hills WAY easier not being able to fuck around with the gears. Either you can make it, or you can't, with one gear. What's probly making things hard is the fact that it's a mountain bike, and you're on roads. It's like driving an M1A1 abrahms tank to work... only pedaling it. It SUCKS, and doesn't even have a gun! And a cruiser will be worse, if your area is hilly.

    You should pick up a lightweight road bike. Just be careful, they're dangerously fun, and must be taken inside buildings, they attract vandalism from little shits who think your curvy handlebars look funny.
  5. Argiope aurantia

    Argiope aurantia Member

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    As soon as I get mine fixed, it will be my main method of transportation.
  6. Fingermouse

    Fingermouse Helicase

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    We're both cyclists. Lithium is currently doing 13 miles a day for his commute to work, and I am getting in about 8 miles. We do much longer cycles in summer. My longest so far is 41 but I'm hoping for more this year. It's a fantastic antidepressant.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    In the netherlands everyone has a bike. I haven't had a bicycle with a working gear in years, which is perfectly alright in the city but can get a bit of a drag when you're miles out of town. So like most of the dutchies I mainly use my bicycle to get from point A to point B. Ocassionally I hit the pedals and go out of town but generally not to make some miles but rather to just go out of the city for awhile.
  8. MellowDonna

    MellowDonna Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    If my husband takes our daughter for a while, I can get out on the road by myself. Work fades away, home stresses melt, and I can let my mind wander - or just go empty. With my cell phone I never feel that alone should I have a flat or some other problem. As long as I can get away from traffic. It's the horn-blowing jerks that take the fun away and make cycling dangerous.
  9. MellowDonna

    MellowDonna Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I've been nursing a cold for a while. Yesterday I hopped on my bike to go for a long ride to see if a little fresh air and exercise would help break it. The freedom of the road helped my psyche tremendously, but I'm not sure my cold is much better today. :(
  10. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    that bike has no pedals :confused: it does look very sexy tho'

    i was a very keen cyclist in my early twenties, and i've completely fallen in love with it again now!

    nothing fancy, just a steel framed mountain bike aquired from a car boot sale for £20 ... averaging about 10mile a day on it... including fookin' hills!!

    hoping to get to 20mile/day before the summer fades :sunny:
  11. machinist

    machinist Banned Lifetime Supporter

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    I have been sick for about a week now, but otherwise i had been riding almost everyday for months. I went on a 60 something mile road ride a few weeks ago, and a 50 mile trail ride also. I've been averaging about two hours a day probably. I get great enjoyment out of riding.
  12. MellowDonna

    MellowDonna Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    It came with conventional pedals with toe clips. I bought click-in pedals and shoes. I'd never used those before, and they took some getting used to. Nothing like coming to a stop and realizing you haven't clicked-out. You just do a slow, embarrassing fall to the ground and try to act nonchalant as you try to click out while lying on your rear. :rofl:
  13. la Principessa

    la Principessa Old School HF Member

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    I wish I had a bike, but alas, I do not know how to ride one...
  14. mckarkies

    mckarkies Member

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    I have an old school Huffy mountan bike, i love getting out and cruising through town. It is especially nice at night, cruising down the newly paved roads in town, so relaxing.
  15. Lafincoyote

    Lafincoyote Member

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    Bicycles are the greatest invention of mankind! They are many times as efficient as walking, they don't pollute while you ride them, and run on any kind of fuel that you eat as food.:sunny:
    I ride at least 20 miles a week, just to keep my rear end used to sitting on the saddle for extended periods of time. My longest ride to date was 76 miles, and that was when I was 55 years old.:2thumbsup:
    I repair and ride old steel bicycles that others throw out, or what I buy at flea markets, garage sales, and from thrift stores. I love the old English 3 speed types of bicycles the most.
    I am planning a bike & camping trip to Holland this coming year. I want to go in the Spring while the Tulips are blooming.:daisy:
    I have alot of bicycle pics in my profile of some of the bikes I have fixed up and ride on a regular basis, so drop by & check them out.:rockon:
  16. Jo King

    Jo King wannabe

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    my new Trek

    and when I'm lazy I use my 1948 Whizzer

  17. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Holy shit, that thing looks awesome! :biggrin:
  18. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    No way that's a 1948..... looks mint as fuck. Has it been repainted/chromed? Those look like modern rims, too.... It's not a replica?

    Either way, looks like fun.
  19. Bond007

    Bond007 Member

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    I love riding my bike! I try to do 20 miles whenever I get the chance. That reminds me, I'm going to bike tomorrow after a long while.

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