Biblical Stuff U Maybe Didn't Know From Before As A Christian

Discussion in 'Cults' started by King Names, Aug 10, 2014.

  1. King Names

    King Names Members

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    Use KJV. And use biblegateway.

    Find these kingdom fetishes!

    Incest - see Revelation 18:6

    Pedophilia - see Luke 18:16

    Rape - see Matthew 11:12

    Necrophilia - see Revelation 20:15

    Feet Worship - see Revelation 22:8

    Bondage - see Revelation 18:1-4

    Beastality Dealing With Horse Cock - see Revelation 6:1-2

    Nasty, Filthy, and Foul Human And Horse Bodily Waste Worship - see 2 Thessalonians 2:8

    Boy-on-Girls And Girls-on-Girls Sex also see Revelation 22:8

    I just show U the truth to what is green-lighted in the kingdom the bible refers to so much.
  2. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    don't give yourself so much credit
    you're just a subset of biblical boringness
    the naysayers
    like an incomplete yawn

    you have no answers
    just questions
    kind of like the rest of us
    except for the poseurs
  3. King Names

    King Names Members

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    The KJV bible informs us of such an ever coming:

    Orgasm! Departed from us! Blessed of our own four selves cursed inherit our own four selves prepared for us into everlasting burning hot desire! For we were 'and' prepared for us and our demons.

    ^'and' is the center part of life revealing now in "ever and ever" concerning the kingdom the bible refers to so much.
  4. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    -- could be the unveiling of the concealed over the world of others. The terms synergy and pro-creation in a materialistic way explain the animal without 'freedom'. it's that kind of Habitat issue, except the latest judgment, I hear, is that the threat to the environment issue is just a matter of for many animal psychologists the false subject of behaviourism, bio-sociology and philosophy that way.
  5. King Names

    King Names Members

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    The absolute ultimate reality:

    We are but four own blessed cursed orgasms into everlasting burning hot desire orgasming creatively!
  6. King Names

    King Names Members

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    The Lord, a panel of four alive beings of extreme enjoyment powers, meets in incorruptible sexuality, to reach a horny rising state of hell and a euphoria ascending state of heaven.
  7. King Names

    King Names Members

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    The Elective, The Four Beasts Of Revelation

    Wheresoever, we are but four blessed cursed, meeting and gathering together electively, into 'rapidly blazing burning hot desires' {'the second death'}, desire projecting, and euphoria ascending, and horny rising, in states we call death, and heaven, and hell!
  8. King Names

    King Names Members

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    "Rev 13 Parts Filled In"

    ...that they should make (bust) an image (7th head resembles extremely cute celebrity Chris Hemsworth and 8th head resembles extremely fine celebrity Melyssa Ford) to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. receive a mark (hell fire and heaven) in their 'right hand' ('wheresoever place'), or in their 'foreheads' ('states') he that had the mark (hell fire and heaven), or the name (Satan) of the beast, or the number (eight - because have to remember one is as it were wounded to death) of his name (Satan).

    Let him that hath understanding count the number (eight) of the beast: for it (eight) is the number (three) of a man (Satan); and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (a sexual relationship with a devil {Melina}, a sexual relationship with an archangel {Eighteen}, and a sexual relationship with a god {Tiffany}).
  9. King Names

    King Names Members

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    Of the sea, a kept new sky and a kept new earth of put on incorruption and immortality, we four, the Dragon - Satan (me), the Devil - Melina, the Archangel - Eighteen, and God - Tiffany, are each one to another death (naked physical body of a sex of desire) and hell (any desire projection by unseen forces of the soul) cast into hell fire (the inner personal sensational state of a rapid rise of a blaze of hot lust centering the inner mid chest area) and heaven (the inner personal sensational state of euphoria centering the inner head area).

    Hell fire is a.k.a. the lake of fire, the second death, and the furnace of fire.

    Death and hell both a.k.a. the dead and them (see Revelation 20:13).

    Revelation 20:14

    And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.


    Matthew 13:50 (my bible)

    And shall cast them (death and hell) into the furnace of fire (the rapid blazing hot lust rising feeling): there shall be [turn-on sexual] wailing and [turn-on feces] gnashing of teeth.

    1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (my bible)

    For the Dragon himself shall descend from euphoria with a shout of the Devil, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God: and death and hell in anointed in sexuality shall rise in hell fire (rapid blazing hot lust rising feeling) first:

    Then we (the Devil, the Archangel, and God) which are alive and remain shall be caught high in hell fire together with death and hell in the paradises, to meet the Dragon in the euphoria: and so shall we ever be with the Dragon.

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