Bi men in interracial m/m relationships

Discussion in 'Bisexual' started by GrayGuy57, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    With all the racial insanity and injustices running rampant today, I am wondering how this affects interracial bi/gay male relationships.

    Do you find that racism/intolerance comes more from one side than the other?

    Personally, I have always believed that ANY m/m relationship (platonic or physical) is all about the INDIVIDUALS, and NOT the race or the color.

    Too, I have always firmly believed that TRUE love (in ANY adult relationship) is all that matters; if man has the capacity to HATE, he also has the capacity to LOVE.

    It is the LOVE that we MUST focus on, for that is at the very foundation of ALL relationships.

    Simply put, love is color-blind.

    Your views?


    "Long Live and prosper"

    Jcinalco likes this.
  2. Si69

    Si69 Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    If u are attracted to human beings then all races are your potential sex partners ...and West Africans certainly tend to have the biggest cocks ....speaking from experience.

    In fact my first guy with whom I lost my anal virginity at 19 was a west African...and he was well endowed.

    Simon :)
    amb5734 likes this.
  3. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    I'm so tired of generalizing about people by race. I'm also tired of rating people by cock size. None of that has anything to do with a person's capacity to love.

    Black people have had enough of that crap.
    FunTop, Si69, skip and 1 other person like this.
  4. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    I think that we are long, long overdue, in so many facets of life, to STOP the labeling of ALL people, regardless of race or skin color.

    WHAT has to do with a person's capacity to love?

    His HEART.

    We often hear on the news or in discussions about the "human race".

    There we have it, folks......ONE race.....and ONE race ONLY.

    We are ALL brothers....REGARDLESS of such trivial matters as skin color.

    Personally, with so many racial issues these days, I would imagine that interracial male couples often have difficulties that "mainstream" couples do not.

    Personally, I'd rather have FRIENDS of many colors, than ENEMIES of many colors.......just think of what greatness we could achieve, if we finally could put prejudice.....of ALL rest.

    I thank God every day that I was raised "color blind"........

    "Long live and prosper"
  5. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Sorry, but I don't see a problem with him reporting his personal experience, he was specific, not generalizing.
    That's not a racist label he's just echoing, big difference.
    If he had said the Dutch are the tallest people he's ever known, would that be racist too?

    Do all racists want to be fucked by West Africans? I never heard that one before...
    If anything he's trying to explain his lack of racism and perhaps some awe of the Black body.

    Black is beautiful seems to be the message, if indeed he IS REFERRING to a Black person, which is unclear.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
    Bilby likes this.
  6. skip

    skip Founder Administrator

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    Gee, I remember when Black people were proud of being black and not constantly on the defensive.
    I understand that racism has overflowed into the public sphere.
    And instead of hearing proud black voices from their leaders, we have to see Kanye echoing the worse racist memes ever, over and over.
    I'm not hearing Black people shout about that, instead we get these comments that imply racism is only coming from white people (which is true much of the time, but not everyone, everywhere)

    Every society I've ever lived in has racism!
    The only difference is how obvious it is.

    I see what Ye's doing beside trying to be on every front page, every day.
    He's truly testing the limits of public speech, and losing big time.
    His problem is he doesn't understand that Free Speech is only a government issue, not a corporate or private one.
    GrayGuy57 likes this.
  7. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Racism, sadly, comes in many forms and from many places.

    In these politically-correct, volatile times, even the most innocent comments can be taken the wrong way.

    Racism is simply not something that whites alone are guilty of.

    There are so many "supremists" today, of different colors and races; these are the misguided people who stand in the way of any and all racial healing.

    That is why I so value those people who have close friends of different colors and racial backgrounds; they are, indeed, living TRUE brotherhood as it should be.

    There is enough senseless, mindless hatred in the world.

    Martin Luther King once summed it up thus:

    "We have only two choices,

    We can either live together as brothers,

    or perish together as enemies."

    God bless you, Dr. King.

    "Live long and prosper"
  8. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Speaking of the late Dr. King, it was he who said that: "my children should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

    If only we could learn that simple lesson, and then abide by it.

    It's the same with a man's sexuality; ALL men should be judged by their CHARACTER, and NOT by their preferences.

    Ditto, for religious beliefs.......

    "Live long and prosper"
  9. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    C'mon. Dutch people don't have the same history as black people.

    My black associates are so sick and tired of the stereotypes so casually thrown around by whites, and so sick and tired of being objectified as studs or criminals. This form of dehumanizing racism has deep roots in the old European colonial cultures and in North America. I'm just tired of hearing those old memes trotted out and said so.
  10. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    It is, indeed, so very sad, that, today, in the "advanced" 21st century, we still cannot escape the degrading stigma of stereotypes:

    Blacks are animals.

    Mexicans are midgets and bandits.

    Irish are boozers.

    Italians are gangsters.

    Germans are Nazis.

    Jews are obscessed with money.

    All Muslims are terrorists.

    All gay males are "flakey".

    Then, you have such unflattering "terms of endearment" as "honkey", "cracker", "white boy", and "blue-eyed devil".

    Barack Obama indeed catapulted our country into a new era, one I was proud to be a part of.

    Over the years, I have seen some very degrading "political" cartoons regarding Obama; offensive, stupid, and childish.

    I think Obama's most powerful "message" was a silent one, but no less tremendous.

    Just by his being elected as the first black President of the USA, that message was (especially to young African-Americans):

    "See, if I can do it, YOU can do it!"

    The past several years have seen far too much racial upheavel; the time to heal and to make amends is NOW......

    "Live long and prosper"

  11. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Strange, when you think of it, that "color prejudice" is limited only to human beings.

    No one, so far as I know, cares what color an automobile is, or thinks the less of it because of its color.

    If prejudice wasn't so vicious, cruel, and hurtful, it would be laughable.

    How downright STUPID to inflict ANY sort of prejudice on ANY human being.

    NO ONE should be judged by their sexual prowess (or lack thereof), either; it does NOT make the individual.....strong moral character, the capacity to love, and decency, are far more important and valuable than the color of one's skin.........

    "Live long and prosper"
  12. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    The old saying goes: "ignorance is bliss".

    If this, then, is the case, regarding prejudice and discrimination against a person's skin color, sexual orientation, or religion, then, sadly, we indeed are living in a truly blissful society.........:(

    "Live long and prosper"
  13. CuteGuyInSoCal

    CuteGuyInSoCal Just looking to connect with your bisexuals

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    Back when I was "practicing" my bisexuality, I had a black "boyfriend" if you will. I'm hispanic. I met him through yahoo chats and I met him in person at his house. We hit it off. We always chatted before we had sex except at times when I was so horny I would enter his house on all cylinders! ha! and when we were done. we would chat for a few hours before I left.

    I could care less about his race or color. He was the sweetest man. I was in my late 20's and he was about in his 40's. I miss him a lot. He moved really far away. He treated me with respect, in and out of bed. He was gentle with me when he had to and he was also rough when he had too. We read each other so well. The chemistry we had was AWESOME!
    GrayGuy57 and Jcinalco like this.
  14. Jcinalco

    Jcinalco Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I’m mixed race (Black/Japanese) and my boyfriend is Caucasian. I think it’s great that today we can look beyond skin color when dating and looking for a mate.

    Here in Northern California the interracial issue isn’t a big deal. Unfortunately it seems like it is in Southern California.


    I think the bigger issue is that same sex couples still get lots of flak everywhere. I hate that I have to keep my special relationship a secret from my coworkers. I’m an aircraft mechanic and those guys hate gays. I’d have a very rough time of it at work if they found out. I’m close to retirement and I just want to get out of there without any problems.
  15. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    Thanks for sharing your views here; as I have said before, it is NOT the skin color of a person, but the kind of person he is INSIDE that matters.

    It is strange that you mentioned that you are an aircraft mechanic (GREAT profession, I'm sure!)

    As I, myself, have long been greatly interested in civil (and military) aviation, as well as in all forms of transport, I've done much reading on the subject over the years.

    I recall reading an online article (a number of years back) about how many commercial airline pilots are VERY homophobic (IF they are gay, or bi, you KNOW that are certainly keeping their sexualities well under wraps, for fear of exposure.


    WHY any man cannot simply be HIMSELF, and be accepted by his co-workers (and others) for who he IS, and NOT have to hide his true self, IMHO, is a travesty........not to mention cruel.

    Again, thanks for adding your input here.......:)

    "Live long and prosper"

  16. GrayGuy57

    GrayGuy57 Members

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    You were indeed MOST fortunate, my friend..........AWESOME that this fellow and yourself hit it off so fantastically right from the get-go!

    You were, indeed, one of the VERY lucky ones, for certain!

    It's sad that he moved so far away.......I am sure the "good times" would have continued for you both, had he not moved away.

    "Chemistry" between two men (both phyiscal and emotional) is KEY, I am sure, to REALLY making things WORK.

    For many valid reasons, I've been totally celibate for all of my life (I am now 66), and had always hoped to meet "Mr. Right" (and his skin color would not, of course, have mattered in the least)

    Oh, well.

    Regardless, thanks for sharing your experiences here; MORE power to you in the future, my friend!;)

    "Live long and prosper"

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