I'm really just satisfying some curiosity here, but do you find yourself tending to lean to same or opposite sex more?
If I had to make a choice, I would choose women. I love everything about them. But I don't have to chose so I'll take a nice hard cock when I can get one.
I can't find any enjoyment with same sex relations. Men just don't do anything for me. Women though, get me rocking quickly. I would choose a female partner over a male one every time. I love the feminine qualities that are presented with the female form. I definitely lean towards the opposite sex.
For me definitely the opposite sex. The only parts of a man I want are cock and what ever comes out of it, balls, and mouth to suck my cock.
I bounce back and forth. Happily married with a great sex life. But I love a nice cock. If I had to pick one. I would choose a woman. Thankfully I don’t have to choose lol
I have never had sex with a man. Therefore I can't say whether I would like it or not. But the bottom line is men do not stir me sexually. I am very much like you. I find women sexier than men. A lot more sexier. So there is no maybe, I am as straight as an arrow and doubt I will ever bend the other way.
Everything about a woman is intoxicating: their curves, soft breasts and the taste and feel of a pussy is beyond description. But I find I think about cock too and just once would like to sample
Where do I start? I'm heteroromantic and I prefer women overall but I've decided to concentrate on guys. I've spent years struggling with my sexuality, and I finally feel free to explore the same sex, and am very eager to start. And I notice a few folks here said their attractions change. I've been talking to a good number of bisexuals online and found this is common. It's called the bi-cycle. (Clever name, right?) This confused me over the years, and there were times not only did I not like guys but I also questioned if my attraction was ever genuine, or if there was some cause other than attraction. But by now I have accepted I will lust after guys even if at the moment I could never see myself doing that.
That's understandable. Maybe you live in an area where that is discouraged. Or maybe just by chance there is not an abundance of such ladies. Still none of us have admitted it's impossible, so I encourage you to keep your hopes up if you are that interested. But don't pick someone just because she's the only one available. You could be in for an unpleasant experience that might give you the wrong impression about what being with a lady is supposed to be. On the other hand it could be a fun way to get to know someone better that you might not have been able to by any other means, and it could spark some kind of friendship. Either way listen to your instincts. They're usually right.