Beware Misdirects

Discussion in 'America Attacks!' started by Eleven, Sep 14, 2013.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    Back in the 60's when the FBI infiltrated Left groups in a more brazen way than today, it would "misdirect" them. I take that to mean it would decide which course of action was most likely to lead the Left to failure, and have it's plants steer the groups in that direction. Looking around today, I hear some activists laughing at the war on terror. In my opinion, that's going too far, and a misdirect not of the FBI, but of bad judgemet.

    I'm an athiest. I have enough trouble with America's religious conservatives. I know how bad they are. I have no sympathy for the Middle East's intolerants. Those guys really are dangerous. So what if the USA may have done some things to piss them off, such as loving on Israel. Those religious nuts would hate us anyway, as hatred of infidels is bred-in-the-bone in that crowd. Ask a woman what she thinks of them.

    Joe and Jane Public have just reason to worry about terrorists. If we go around laughing at them as if they're stupid, and putting blame on the home team, no FBI need misdirect us, as we've done it to ourselvess.

    feel free to disagree
  2. alana2

    alana2 Member

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    "Mid eastern intolerants" interesting description, seem you are the intolerant. We in the west kill millions of their people, steal their land and resources and they get angry, is that so hard to understand? I guess that is a yes, for you

    It used to be a joke that the best way to tell if a politician was lying was when his lips are moving, that is no longer a joke. It does however help us get to the truth, the opposite of what they tell us.

    "So what if the USA may have done some things to piss them off" fuck them then. And fuck you too, if that is your attitude to your fellow man.

    "if I agreed with you, we would both be wrong.
  3. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    A) your words in response to my post dripped with more hate than anything I said in my post, or would say to you

    B) I hold my ground, and say you took some of my words out of context. Again I say, "So what if the USA may have done some things to piss them off". They are not therefore granted the right to throw acid in women's faces, shoot little girls for going to school, etc. Nor call for Israel's eradication. (I wish Israel hadn't been founded, but it's too late to do anything about it now, and futile to want it to go away.)

    Most of the memes of America's Left originated in the minds of academics, not working people. Working people like the USA, and usually have relatives in the military. Academics do not. Academics are attached to their theories, and therefore focus on the USA's mistakes and demonize the USA.

    When this country was founded, most of the planet was ruled by royalty.
    Demonizing it, is silly. Silly also is romanticizing Native Americans and painting them as noble savages who could do no wrong, and who were deliberately exterminated like Jews in Europe. Ask the Apache how the Comanche would raid their villages, kill every adult male, rape the women before killing them, and kill most children. Ask the Iroquois how their shamans would divine the future from the writhing of torture victims. Heck, Native Americans don't even like to be romanticized.

    Painting the USA as evil by nature is counter productive, and doing so is more common in upper class circles and faculty lounges than it is in any blue collar break room.

    With all due respect.
  4. Indy Hippy

    Indy Hippy Zen & Bearded

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    Every country and all people have their own set of problems, if we were to focus on any one group too much then of course we could easily demonize them. Not all Muslims are like what you describe, just like not all Americans are good. Instead of worrying about Islam perhaps we should try to understand it.
  5. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Troll-ass bee-autch

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