Best Way To Handle Come Up Anxiety

Discussion in 'MDMA - X' started by JessicaRabbit, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. JessicaRabbit

    JessicaRabbit Members

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    Hello all. I'll keep it short and simple. I have some white powdered ecstasy I plan on taking tonight. I've done ecstasy about 10 times via snorting, and the last time was in August. This time, I want to try eating it, so that it lasts longer, as opposed to an hour and a half after snorting, and it's over. :/
    The thing I struggle with every time is the come up anxiety. I remember the first time it happened...I've never been more terrified. Each time after that, I was able to "control it" a little bit better, but it was still overwhelming and scary. I'm afraid it's going to hit hard since its been awhile. I was wondering if there are ways to DEtensify the anxiety, or skate around it completely? Has anyone else experienced this anxiety? If so, how long do you think it lasted? For me, it felt like 3 minutes at least. And since I've never eaten it before, I'm curious as to the best way. Parachuting or dissolving in water? I've heard parachuting cuts the time short??
    How long does it take to hit and how long before I peak?
    Any information you have for me is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  2. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Parachuting it, which is what I recommend, the initial alerts will come on in about 30 mins to within the hour. There is often kind of a butterfly in the stomach type sensation as the initial alerts come on, which I can see easily escaping to anxiety, but it tends to excite me. That sensation is a fleeting 5-10 mins for me I'd say, until I pick up on some more pronounced effects and well on the way to peaking.

    Orally I find the peak generally lasts about 4 hours, with 3-6 hours being kind of the larger window of various rolls I've had.

    I enjoy hard hitting Ecstasy, personally I don't get nearly as much a rewarding experience from low doses and so I don't really try to 'skate' around it.

    One other thing too, not to worry you necessarily but if you are unsure of your sources, I'd be a bit skeptical about any 'white powdered' Ecstasy. From most of what I've seen, it's mostly in pills or 'Molly' is usually crystals.
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  3. JessicaRabbit

    JessicaRabbit Members

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    Thank you so much for your response and your help. How big of a dosage do you think is good for me to take tonight? I only have a scale that measures in ounces, or we can go by "line amounts". The other Molly I took came in an almost off white crystal which I then crushed to powder. I'm not sure if this batch came in crystal form because my boyfriend brought it home. He may have already crushed it up.

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