Here is an amazing compilation of spiritual information for everyone on the planet Earth. playlist: 01 - Wisdom from Semjase 02 - Desiderata 03 - Sfath's explanatory text 04 - Contacts with Asket 05 - Eduard Meier's 1-4 contacts with Semjase 06 - Talmud of Jmmanuel Photos of Eduard Albert Meier This is a digitally remastered documentary about the legitimacy of the Eduard Albert Meier case. Enjoy!
what does u.f.o stuff and spirit stuff have to do with each other? generally nothing. people from other world have their own spirit stuff for their own worlds. spirit stuff intended for people here comes by way of someone here being chosen to channel it. you meet someone from some other world, that's cool. depending on them as an individual, and yourself as an individual. but you each have your own spirit stuff for your own worlds. that has nothing to do with meeting someone from somewhere else, or not. sure people from other worlds are real people. why wouldn't they be? they wouldn't be very likely to look very much like what you're used to thinking of people as looking like. but they're certainly real and certainly people. not angels, not gods, just effing people. odd looking people. but still just effing people. sorry, but i don't see as amazing that someone would post something on you-tube. that IS what its there for.