Best thing I've heard in a while

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by lavender_dreams, May 10, 2004.

  1. lavender_dreams

    lavender_dreams Member

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    This just happened and this was the best place I could think to post it. I was in the living room with my mom when the news came on and of course they were talking about the disgusting treatment of the Iraqis when my mom said she was appalled and couldn't watch it anymore. She said how it made her sick and stuff like that. Then she said,"What if she(me) was right all along?"(about the war being stupid and wrong and that we should get out now) I about had a heart attack. All I could say was Namaste because my divine really did bow to her's at that moment. It was beautiful.
    A little background on my mom. She's been for the war 100%, she's sided w/Bush on just about everything he's screwed up so far and she's been all gung-ho about disagreeing with me and telling me how wrong I am. This is a HUGE breakthrough for her and us. AND she's going to boycot gas prices with me on the 19th. She's never wanted to do anything like that before. I'm glad my mom is starting to see the light, I'm just sorry it took such a terrible event to finally get through to her. Please send tons of positive energy to her when you read this.
  2. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    i'm sending the energy...

    but what is boycotting gas prices for one day gonna do? i never got that.
  3. lavender_dreams

    lavender_dreams Member

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    If everyone does it for a day, the gas industry will lose Billions of dollars. Heck, if just the Midwest did it for a day they would be out millions, maybe one day won't change everything, but it may wake a few people up. If it doesn't change things the first time, by gum we'll do it again. Things don't get changed b/c people are always saying, what difference will I make, one day won't do it, they won't listen to me, blah blah blah. If people want change they have to do something.This is one of those somethings.
  4. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    i hate to burst your bubble BUT...

    if people dont get gas one day they have... school, work, friends., a fucking LIFE,etc.,..

    they still have to buy gas.

    i mean, maybe not that day.

    but, it doesnt really matter to those large corporations if ppl. dont buy gas for one day. if i was the CEO, i'd laugh about these things.

    they come out in email every summer.

    there has to be another way.......
  5. lace_and_feet

    lace_and_feet Super Member

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    What a wonderful feeling that must have been. :)
  6. lavender_dreams

    lavender_dreams Member

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    If there is another way PLEASE find it, but until then this is what we've got. If you don't think it will work, don't participate, it's your choice.
    I will admit though, that if I were a CEO I would laugh too, until one day the people who care really do overthrow me and I'm out on my butt looking for a min. wage job. Maybe "I'm just a dreamer", but I think one of these days something is going to happen, change is coming. I want to be part of the change, even if it's a small contribution.
  7. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    do you think your ma would watch one of the movies that my sig links to?

    ps, good for you for waking up your mom. =)
  8. mother_nature's_son

    mother_nature's_son Member

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    That is beautiful Lavender Dreams!

    Keep doing all you can!!! :)
  9. lavender_dreams

    lavender_dreams Member

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    Thank-you for all your kind words and positive energy, they mean more than you know.
  10. Cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis Banned

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    So you want us to leave Iraq now? Just waltz out? Yeah, that's really fucking smart.
  11. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    If you think about it, leaving Iraq is the only logical solution. We are never going to accomplish anything in Iraq. More lives will continue to be lost while we accomplish nothing. This is why we are doomed regardless if Bush or Kerry is elected.

    As far as the original post is concerned, I am leary of people who think their way of thinking is the only way, whether it is right or wrong.

    Even some of the biggest conservatives are willing to admit that the situation in Iraq is fucked up. It's a matter of common sense, not one's political stance.
  12. angelgodiva

    angelgodiva Senior Member

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    Very happy news, Lavender. I have a friend whose mom was the same way; she fought Susie at every turn. Then all of a sudden it dawned on her that her daughter and her "kooky" friends just might be on to something. She started hanging around in the kitchen listening as they met and spoke in the living room, and one day she announced that she was going to accompany them on their next protest!
    Now this woman (her name is Erica) is a tie-dyed in the wool hippie, a convert from the far right gone granola!
    Maybe your mom is just a late bloomer, too.
    I'm happy for you, I am sending positive energy, and I wish you the best.
  13. angelgodiva

    angelgodiva Senior Member

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    Why yes, it would be smart. The only smarter thing would have been to have never become involved at all.
  14. Cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis Banned

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    There's got to be a better answer than fucking the Iraqi people over and just walking out. This would turn them into even more of a third world country.

    And I laughed hysterically at the way she said her mother "saw the light". Last I checked, right and wrong was still a matter of opinion.
  15. Cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis Banned

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    I agree that we shouldn't have gone there in the first place. But now we're there and we have to deal with it. Walking out would do nothing but further convince the Iraqi people and the rest of the world (not to mention you and I) that America is full of selfish "me-first" people.

    If you prepare dinner, and then realize you weren't hungry in the first place, it's still unwise to throw away all that food.
  16. lavender_dreams

    lavender_dreams Member

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    When I said get out now, I meant that the military should get out. The US has to do something for the innocent Iraqi people, but we have to do it peacefully. The millitary occupation is just pissing people off more than we already have. The freaking UN should step up and help too, that way the US won't screw the middle east over even more.

    As for the "seeing the light" comment, she did see the light. She saw that Bush's way wasn't the only way, that there might have been a better solution. I just was happy that she started thinking as a human not a republican.
  17. Cirrhosis

    Cirrhosis Banned

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    "When I said get out now, I meant that the military should get out. The US has to do something for the innocent Iraqi people, but we have to do it peacefully."

    Nice and idealistic, but completely illogical. So our troops are supposed to put their guns down and stand with a flower as the Iraqis snipe them from mosques (a violation of the Geneva convention)?

    "The freaking UN should step up and help too, that way the US won't screw the middle east over even more."

    Why would they do that? We went into this war without consulting them (even though we don't need to, as this isn't a new war; simply a continuation of Operation Desert Storm). We basically gave the UN a big "Fuck you!" And not just in Iraq; by supporting the Jews in the Israel/Palestine conflict, we've abandoned our status as a peace-keeper. And we wonder why the Muslims are pissed at us...

    "As for the 'seeing the light' comment, she did see the light. She saw that Bush's way wasn't the only way, that there might have been a better solution. I just was happy that she started thinking as a human not a republican"

    Not only did you contradict what you said just before, you also contradicted yourself as an "open-minded and unbiased" person.
  18. honeyhannah

    honeyhannah herbuhslovuh

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    I just wonder what it is that you want to accomplish? What are you saying to the oil companies that they don't already know?

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