I am just curious. What is the best US state to be mentally ill in? And what is the worst? Same question for countries internationally.
in hawaii a lot of homeless people live on the beach. whereas here they have to build a stick shelter in the woods to keep the snow off.
Mental Health isn't a geographical thing mate. It's a serious condition. Pick a state that you want to live in. Pick a town that you like. Whether it's near the beach or what.
Yes, New York has more corrupt officials than any other state Fact check by PolitiFact: True Not only that. New York Ranked As The Least Friendly State In The Country The 50 Friendliest States In America – Big 7 Travel NY is awful.
Ohio causes mental illness... Not sure if that makes it the "Best" state for causing it, or the "worst" state to be if you don't want it.
If I had the choice, I’d choose Hawaii. I can only imagine how much it would suck being homeless in Alaska.