Best friends brother's wife hit on me at their wedding reception.

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by RIJACO, Sep 15, 2023.


    RIJACO Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    A long time ago when I was 17 or 18 yrs old (back in the late 1970's), my best friend (Ron) invited me to his brother's wedding reception. I accepted as I love parties. I wore my 3-piece denim suit with a flowered shirt with the collar out (disco-style).
    The party was at the newlywed's home. As the night progressed, we ended up sitting at a big kitchen table playing cards with the new wife (Shari) sitting next to me on my left. Her husband (Mike) was across the table with Ron sitting to me on my right.
    As we were playing cards, Shari started touching and rubbing my thigh, then moved into my crotch. As a 17/18 year old horny kid, I didn't know what to do. I don't remember if I froze and maybe pulled away a bit, or I let her get me hard and keep playing with me. I do remember not knowing how to react and what to do about Ron to my right and her husband across the table. Don't remember how the game ended, but as I was leaving, she tucked a piece of paper into my denim Angel-Flight pant pocket. After looking at the note, it had her name, number and the hours her husband worked (at the local grocery store as a butcher).
    At the time, I was dating her friend Amber, and as it turns out, Amber and Shari were good friends. I didn't call the number, but one night at Amber's apartment (she was 3 years older than me, and worked as at the checkout at the same grocery store Shari's husband worked), Shari showed up and they both tried to convince me to have sex with both of them. I never did, but really wanted to...
    I was torn between the respect for my friend Ron and the new marriage between Mike and Shari.
    I continued to see Amber for a while, and she kept trying to get me to have a 3-way with Shari. Shari would show up every now and then, but I never did have sex with Shari or a 3-way with them.
  2. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    I passed up a few women in my time, for one reason or another. Have regrated it several time.
  3. Ray Roberts

    Ray Roberts Members

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    I have also missed many opportunities, and I think most guys have because when you are young and dum, these situations keep happening! You need to be Brash and Bold to succeed with the fair sex. Americans seem to score well in this department and I suppose this endorses my opinion on USA males.
  4. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    One of my funniest memories was the time when a brash young Australian girl was working at one of our London theaters. After the show one Friday evening, she had the bright idea, of inviting 4 of the guys working on reception back to the flat that she was sharing with 3 other girls for a fun party, so she asked me to drop them all off on my way home.
    When we arrived, I hung around (knowing that their was going to be some fun), while she and her friends were getting the beers out and making a few sandwiches. Meanwhile, the guys went up to one of the bedrooms to get ready for the fun.
    When the girls went up to join them, all hell broke loose as they entered the room. She had not realised that almost all young guys working in reception at London theaters are gay.
    The real fun started when one of the girls grabbed all their clothing and hurled it out of the window, which was 3 floors up in a building overlooking a busy high street.
    The poor guys had to get home across London in temperatures well below zero, wearing only the few items they had managed to retrieve. Only one of them found both his shoes. Being new years eve, none of them got arrested.

    All this was more than 40 years ago, but it still makes me laugh today.
    Ray Roberts likes this.
  5. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    I was at a softball team after season party. We were running low on beer so one of my teammates wife and I headed for the store. Once we pulled out of the drive way sexual innuendo talk began. She asked right away when I last had sex. I answered and then asked her the same. By the time we got to the store we both could have fucked each other right there in the parking lot. But instead we pulled ourselves together and went in to get more beer and snacks. I suggested we pull over and continue the conversation on the way back to her place. Alas, by that time she had reconsidered and said she didn't want the beer to get warm. Nothing more was said.
  6. Curiouscouple2469

    Curiouscouple2469 Members

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    We all have a story or two of "could have, would have, should have" from days gone by. Not much point in looking back as those days are gone.
    Chances are Ron would have understood with time. Mike would have hated you but likely hated Shari more, and both Shari and Amber found someone willing to go along with it and had a great time without ya.
    How many of them are still in your life now? Good guys rarely win. (or at very least, spend much more time jerking off than the guy who says WTF and dives right in)

    RIJACO Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    None of them are in my life now. All that happened ~45 years ago and in a different state.
    Ray Roberts likes this.

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