Best day ever..other than my son's birth

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by AmericanTerrorist, Nov 20, 2013.

  1. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    So, obviously, my only child being born was the best day ever...but today I went into probation for a dui that occurred Jan 3, 2010 and I was supposed to be on probation until mid 2018. And my p.o. told me I am done with probation. Like...what, huh, wha wha wha...huh???? So, I asked why and apparently a court case went through that for a second dui to do 6.5 yrs probation on top of jail, house arrest, and up to a year of counseling (which I did, learned from and still am friends w my counselor. an awesome 60 yr old ex addict)... and hwy safety school and 12 grand in fines.

    So, disclaimer... I no longer drink and I haven't drank and drove SINCE that day (long time ago)... I also realize it's not something good to do and feel thru my one year of counseling and even my jail time (the pain of being away from my newborn- I got the dui before I was preggo...was sentenced when he was 8 months old), yea, I do feel dui's are bad and I don't want pity. that's not about that. I believe in treatment. and I feel my treatment center was the best and im reformed. so im glad someone had the money to take 2nd dui's in PA to court (PA supreme court) and get it changed from possible 6.5 year sentences to NO MORE THAN 6 months sentences... I really feel like I paid since I was sentenced in 2011 and I still have a grand in fines to pay so...

    in any case, apparently the court ruled that when there is no accident, ... I had a traffic stop...tired hydroplaned @ a stop sign (told the story in another thread)... and a cop had seen me pass there looking for a house 3 times. (lost)...neways, I feel I learned to the extent that I am TRULY, HONESTLY and SINCERLY glad I got caught (I had a six pack before driving to get bud)... because I feel it'll help me in the future not hurt myself and others.

    I was paying a total of 3 grand (or so) averaging 40 a month so im glad that that money no longer needs to be paid and if I chose to smoke a j I can legally do so and I don't have jail hangin over my back. because I am in recovery but I may fuck up and I don't feel I deserve constant monitoring... anyways, if you don't agree that's okay. I know I learned. but for me, it's huge n happy.
  2. deviate

    deviate Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    81"]N.W.A FUCK DA POLICE - YouTube
  3. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

    Likes Received:
    Either I am having deja vu or there was something else in my cranberry juice o_O
  4. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

    Likes Received:
    Word, Dev!

    Sorry rollin... I.. had to pee. :ashamed:
  5. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor


    probation sucks balls
  6. *MAMA*

    *MAMA* Perfectly Imperfect

    Likes Received:
  7. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

    Likes Received:
    You're welcome. It's a weight lifted and it feels good. So, many thanks. :)
  8. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

    Likes Received:
    1,665"]The Youngbloods - Get Together - YouTube
  9. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

    Likes Received:

    for me on my day :D"]Lupe Fiasco - American Terrorist (with lyrics) - YouTube
  10. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    I was just guessing that it sucks balls

    never been on probation myself...just read a few threads about it here :D
  11. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

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    Hey, BBAD... in ALL TOTAL NICENESS and seriousness. If DUI's and alcoholics/addicts bother you a lot...why don't you volunteer somewhere with people actively doing those things? Donate to MADD? Or some other organization. Give talks if you were personally effected. Just a suggestion.

    I think that kinda stuff is awesome. I'm not gonna say it again after this. I am not down with people doing that. Many people have made that mistake and changed. I have called in to the police two license plates (and followed them)... one was a semi truck driver.. in any case, make a difference if it upsets you. :)
  12. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I'm thrilled to hear about everything you learned from this experience! Seriously inspiring. If having to leave your newborn son to go to jail isn't life-changing, I'm not sure what is. Too many stories like this have a sad ending, but this one does not. :).
  13. Heat

    Heat Smile, it's contagious! :) Lifetime Supporter

    Likes Received:
    That was most certainly good news to get.

    Congrats and life moves on. :)
  14. indydude

    indydude Senior Member

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    Congratulations! It is great no longer being under the laws thumb. Sure its not good to drink and drive but you were definitly a victim of a draconian law and penality.

    Oh, and Bbad needs to find a moderator job in a church group forum or maybe Disney Kids. He's much to thin skinned for Hip Forums. lol
  15. AmericanTerrorist

    AmericanTerrorist Bliss

    Likes Received:

    Thank you!

    I teared up reading that. Really.

    It was.. very bad. Jail wasn't bad. But being away from him was something I'll never do again. The only way I can describe it is I had to go into survival mode. I got along w all the girls.. even had a crush on a hot punk black chick that gave me snacks n coffee. She has three kids also. In any case, I learned quick one there in woman's county jail wants your tears TOO MUCH bout your kids because most have their own. And also it's way too painful to think bout your kids(s) in jail. You can't have them so.. you survive. It may have been the best thing that ever happened to me. It really taught me to regulate my emotions and listen to authority. A lot of us are rebellious to authority and no one likes being told what to do but I learned how to just do what I'm told to. Did the same in a year's IOP counseling. And I appreciate it. I feel because of earlier experiences in my life I was a bit too rebellious. And no, I don't always agree with authority. Often I can do it better. But it kinda teaches you to be small and was good for my own self. I'm damn glad it happened and it's weird to say that cause it sucked. But I also learned to make the best of bad things. I feel it made me grow up. Was a small sentence ... I don't believe in excessive punishment but sometimes a person may need a small time out. And no, jail/prison usually does NOT reform people. I believe it is corrections but reformations. However, you can learn a lot if you are willing. It's all what you wanna do like with all of life. I personally was locked into a cell 23 hours a day like everyone else (look up Lancaster county PA prison.. it's a county jail.. but everyone is on lock down like they are on disciplinary... I did have a cellie n all and 1-1.5 hours out a day but yea.. look it up, really. One of the WORST places ever. They say if you can make it there you can make it anywhere.)--- in any case, don't agree w their practices and would change a lot about it.. oh, my point was, we were also allowed out for church, bible studies and AA and NA....and library.. nothing else that I know of other than champlain visits, doc, etc.. so, I did them all and participated. I figure if you gotta be where you have to be you make it your world and learn from it. If I didn't participate I doubt it would have helped.

    My counseling though...after that... I think helped me more.. the reason I was in for a year was because I violated probation while in there.. (OMG! I went to send this and it was gone.. forums timed out but luckily I had copied til here...breathes.).... anyways, yea, I had a technical violation..which means I messed up but was honest w my counselor and continued to do what I had to do and everyone just recommended slightly more counseling. So, did that and it was good. I don't agree w them in that I can't ever smoke weed but I do agree about recovery in general and they are amazing people there.
  16. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

    Likes Received:
    please don't stir the pot, we just got a little peace vibe back on the thread and the forums:peace:


    GLENGLEN Banned

    Likes Received:

    I Don't Want To Sound Like I'm Giving Him Love Bites On His

    Butt Cheeks, But I Thought Since Day One That BBAD Was Doing An

    A First Class Job Under Sometimes Very Difficult Circumstances...:).

    Give Credit Where Credit Is Due...:).

    Cheers Glen.
  18. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

    Likes Received:
    i only ever see BBAD acting like debbie downer
  19. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    dont ruin this one too

    stay on topic please

    GLENGLEN Banned

    Likes Received:

    Get Your Eyes Tested...[​IMG]

    Cheers Glen.

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