this has to be by far the best stash box ive seen. i bought it a while ago and ive been using it recently and i love it. it fits your pocket and is about the size of a cell phone. its a hard wood and traps all the smell in. if you see one like this i suggest you buy it
I used to have a real good stash jar, thick glass with a cork, kept my bud real fresh all teh time, but I accidentally broke it against a lamp-post while trippin.
I wish I could find a fancy bud box... like a metal one that's really air tight and looked kick ass.. but I just like stuff like that.
trust me this thing is airtight, and the good thing is i cant break it. So if the cops were coming i could quickly toss it in a bush and come back and get it later.
I've got a box like that, but it's much smaller. It might be like 2"x2", but it has alot of nice inlaid wood on it too.
here is what I use for my bud box! Works great, just sucks that it is empty right now, and has been for the past 5 days!! Gotta finish finals first! And the other box is what I keep all my supplies in.
the wood box works great. my roomate has the same one. I have one that is thinner. fits less but is slimmer in the pocket.
i store mine in a coffee 'crafe', not sure how to spell it. but place you put coffee to keep it warm and fresh. has a nice air tight lid. i put it a bag and put it in there. but only holds up to a 1/2z. then i resort to tupperware.
Me and my friend bought these paper mache boxes that look like minature treasure boxes. We are decorating them with pictures from High Times and pics of Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, etc. They will be used as stash boxes in our dorm room.
I find that glass jars are the most convenient, especially the thick glass ones with the cork lids, as somebody mentioned in an earlier post.
I have one like the one in the pic. I got it as a gift. It's the same one they use in that anti-pot magazine ad, haha.
I keep my smoke in a piece of tupper ware with some orange peel. It keeps the bud nice and fresh, and imparts a nice citrus aroma to it. I air it out everyday for a bit to keep it from getting too wet and molding. I break off what I want for the day then, and put it in a baggie and keep it in my smoke bag, which a little satchel that fits my bowl, some papers, and my herb.
Whenever I smoke I never buy more than a quarter, and it fits perfect with my pipe in there. I use to keep all my stuff in an old Crown Royal bag.