Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by badassdawickedmoose, May 17, 2004.
What are you 15? Going to bed at 10 pm mumblemumblemumble
We are all really fucking interested.
i have to say i am deepl ionterested in badasswicked mooses sleeping times
Don't lie. God might kill my kitten if you lie.
i kill kittnes for fun...lol just kidding..
Bye! lol
Night Night!!!
love yer sig, spuff
Why thank you, kind sir ... or madam! lol
im not quite sure myself what sex badass is yet, and i go to school with him/her/it
I hope you don't die in your sleep. (just kidding, i actually hope you do)
But if he died in his sleep he wouldn't really suffer now would he? Where's the fun in that?
goodnight John boy, goodnight hairy lou S
tough luck, guys... i'm still here...
You are still alive, and so is this fantastic and enlightening thread. The little thread that could.
and i'm gonna keep bringin it back... y'know... just for kicks...
Separate names with a comma.