I already know this thread is probably going to receive a shit ton of hate, and that is fine since I am not here to make friends and never was. I also need to once again make it clear that I am 100% apolitical in the sense that I do not vote and believe politics to be a farce for the public to believe in. I have long believed that so-called Democracy is one of the most effective forms of enslavement because it promotes the notion of choice when indeed nothing could be further from the truth. The best slaves are the ones who believe themselves to be free and in control of their destiny because they get to choose their elected leaders. Or so they think. With that said, I am well aware that most people here do not share this view, and I am not trying to change anyone's beliefs. I do know that most people here are of the "progressive" liberal persuasion. My definition of modern-day liberalism in a nutshell is basically more centralized government control. With this eventually comes less individual rights until there are no longer rights other than those granted by the state. This ideology pilots both major political parties, though the Republicans try to hide it under the guise of nationalism, national security, religion and an assortment of social issues such as the opposition to abortion and gay marriage. Regardless of which party gets into office, the overall trend continues towards increasing authoritarianism. The size and scope of government continues to increase, regardless of which corporate party takes power. I don't see someone like Bernie Sanders as any kind of solution because he's basically just promoting more of the same, albeit in an idealistic, utopian light that appeals to young people who have been brought up and indoctrinated by the system to believe the government is their benevolent daddy and there to provide them with freebies. If I was forced to put a label on myself, I would call myself an anarchist, as I do not support any kind of government. I do not champion anarchism, nor do I believe it would ever work since people have been made dependent on the system for their very survival. This is by complete design. I just think that in a perfect world there would be no government since governments have always served to represent the few while pretending to care about the many in its control. The governments then create more and more problems (often deliberately but usually under the facade of simple incompetence) to offer more and more solutions that grant more and more control to a small handful of people who claim to represent us. It does not matter which label that government goes under, it's all the same shit. One of the biggest lies of liberalism is that the government can keep the people safe from the parasitic corporations, when in fact the government has long been in the control of private corporations, just one of which is the Federal Reserve. The fact is the government works with the corporations to screw the people over and vice-versa. Certain people like to promote this idea of a separation between the two because it justifies more socialistic control via the government as a way of controlling the masses. The banks and corporations don't get less control under such a system, but more. Socialism is a product of the international banking cartels just as much as its dialectical antithesis of capitalism. The ruling financial elite of the world love socialism because they control the government, and monopoly capitalism (socialism) is a great tool for consolidating wealth into the hands of a small few while promoting the ideology that it's all about the well being of the masses. What does this all lead to? More bureaucracy that is completely unaccountable to the people, more police state authoritarianism, more surveillance state invasions of privacy, more political correctness / free speech restriction... The list goes on and on.
In an ideal world, there would be no government....no laws....people would govern themselves, as i do quite well, thank you. I do not need anyone standing over me ever telling me how to behave....but we do not live in an ideal world, and I do not have faith in mankind as whole.....I see what happens in small sections where people gather together....and on a huge overpopulated scale.....I have no faith at all.....and if I have any, it is only in a very small select few.. I need laws in place to protect what I worked so hard to set up for myself in life, albeit the system is not perfect and needs vast improvement. There is always room for improvement in anything. I will just pick the less of any evil every time...until a better world is born..
I'd love to see a five-way race between Clinton, Sanders, Trump, Cruz and Johnson. Not that I like any of these people, I just think it would be entertaining as hell.
This pretty much sums up why we're in the situation we're in. I am not trying to be mean, but I think a lot of people actually believe what you wrote here, even if only subconsciously. They know that something is wrong and that things are never going to change, yet they keep doing the same thing in hopes that a miracle will happen. It makes them feel good to vote, like they're doing something important. This is useful to the people in power because it creates apathy and greatly the reduces the chances of there ever being a true uprising of the people. Why would there ever be an uprising as long as people have faith in the system?
pr..for someone apolitical and not trying to change views you sure do opine about how everyone elses views are skewed? a·po·lit·i·cal. [ˌāpəˈlidək(ə)l] ADJECTIVE 1.not interested or involved in politics:
Um, yeah... I am apolitical in the sense that I am not involved in politics, just as the definition states. A person can be fascinated with something while still not engaging in it. I am fascinated by politics the same way I am fascinated by pop culture.
the idea that nothing changes, if it takes longer then one lifetime, or it takes place statistically, is one of the major self delusions that hate mongers exploit. what is true, is that we live in a universe that doesn't give a shit what any of us believe or what we don't. its going to go one being more diverse then any of us can imagine whether we want it to or not. (and personally i'm glad it does, because it means there is still something we can't screw up, no matter how determined we are to do so) that out of the way. i don't want to live in a great country. i want to live in a free one. letting economic interests get away with murder won't create one. the only thing that can or does, is for people to be considerate of each other. we won't have a free country as long as corporate media controls what people think they know. and we won't create a great or free one, by destroy nature's means of making it possible for our own species to exist. we won't even have an us, if we don't stop doing that.
by people, did you mean human people? wouldn't whatever replaces the role of sapience then BE "people" by doing so? not that i believe humans incapable of creating better conditions for their enjoyment of life, simply by not being so short sighted as to keep making them worse. but i do welcome the idea of non-human sapience participating in civilization. or eventually creating their own, should we succeed in destroying ourselves entirely.
My eyes glazed over a little bit when I got to the part about young Bernie supporters viewing the government as a benevolent daddy here to give out freebies. Young Bernie supporters are seeing as much as a 300% increase since their parents generation on things like college, rent, healthcare, food, daycare costs. Your attitude that the ruling class will screw us over no matter what is fine, i guess, but there is contrary evidence showing grassroots activism can actually make a difference. Grassroots being the key word - i agree government and corporations are in bed together, but I dont really see why the rest of us are supposed to stand idly by and watch both entities screw us
Ok....sounds good to me....and with all animals....they do not see color, race, religion, age, weight are never judgemental to who anyone loves or not loves in this world.....or about much of anything....are not rude, mean, sarcastic, snide and a whole lot of other adjectives I can think of. There would be no more road kill....or unnecessary killings or killings for pleasure......the earth could reclaim itself a little quicker, also....
So. No government and no population control. (as you replied to me in another thread--when I mentioned it--said I should volunteer my family) Yup--Sounds like that would work. Can't wait to get to 20 billion---without any control over them. HEY---there's plenty to go around. Just ask the 1%.
Let's begin by understanding that we (in the U.S.) do not have a Direct Democratic government. A Direct Democracy allows one vote per person on all legal matters. We have a Representational Republic or a Representational Democracy. I don't know of any Direct Democratic governments at all. Athens, generally regarded as the first Democracy, had a system of random conscription to fill public offices and a general assembly of citizens to debate and vote. However, women, slaves, and non landowners, among others, were excluded. So they were not a Direct Democracy in that not everyone had the opportunity to vote. Direct Democracies don't work as there is no protection for minorities. A simple majority can vote for any type of discrimination or law they wish at the expense of the other 49%. It is true that a Direct Democracy can be a most effective form of enslavement as a majority could enslave any minority at any time. Luckily we don't live in a Direct Democracy. There are different forms of Liberalism. The U.S was founded on Classical Liberalism which emphasizes civil liberty, representational Democracy, the rule of law, and economic freedom. Classical Liberalism rejected the Conservatism of the day which favored rule by one religion, monarch, or strict social class. Hence the rebellion against the King of England and the inclusion of all religious beliefs in the U.S. Modern Liberalism is a form that came to be defined by Teddy Roosevelt (a Republican). TR argued that government had a role in social protection. He was against the domination of politics by big business and believed the Federal government needed agencies to protect workers, women, and children from the exploration of the robber barons of his day as the courts were unable to accomplish this task. Woodrow Wilson then continued TR's ideas with workman's compensation for Federal employees, regulation of child labor and specific unfair business practices, and an eight hour workday for the railroads, along with environmental and conservation reforms. Wilson was a Jeffersonian Democrat. Look it up. Wilson was followed by FDR and his New Deal which gave us insurance on our banking accounts ending runs on banks, federal regulation of securities which has avoided another Wall Street crash, relief for poor and unemployed workers, rural electrification, farm security, industry codes to end cut throat competition, federal home loans, Social Security, collective bargaining, a 44 hour work week, further restrictions on child labor, a minimum wage of 25 cents an hour, and increased taxes on the rich. Which of these would you be willing to give up? Truman fought for civil rights, healthcare, Social Security for the disabled, mine regulation, the ending of child labor, and other social programs. All of these reforms were continued and expanded by JFK, and LBJ and are being continued by the Progressive Liberals today. Pressed Rat continued: Less corporate and robber baron rights as they are now regulated and not allowed to exploit the common man for their share holders or their own individual greed. You call Sanders attempts at a solution utopian and then postulate a perfect world with no governments as if that has ever or will ever happen. And you're not espousing simplistic utopian ideas but Bernie is. It might help to read up on the history of the world and its governmental systems. Capitalism is not socialism. They are more opposite than the same. Again, It might help to read up on the history of the world and its governmental systems. Here's a list of 150 Progressive Liberal accomplishments...which one's do you want to get rid of?
I am a Berner 100%. Bernie or Bust. I suffer no illusion that I live in a Representational Democracy. The establishment has the system completely rigged. Anybody who disagrees is living in la la land. Most people don't even care that the system is rigged. These sheep just trust that the establishment knows what they're doing, that capitalism is the only way, people's liberties be damned. So long as the good people of the world, the people with some amount of money, stay safe and healthy, then everything is okay. It's pathetic the way people vote against their own interests under the delusion that they are included in potentially becoming "one of the good people", one of the people with some decent living wage, one of the people whose attitudes will contribute to society. So trusting of their masters. Like dogs. I think people are confusing Bernie's socialism with the kind of dystopian communistic capitalism that runs the world. I lump communism and capitalism in the same boat, because all in all they're just dystopias. The only difference is that in the former case, the people don't think they have a chance. Americans will think they have a chance as long as there are television commercials with smiling, happy faces in them. Americans trust their corporate masters like they trust their parents. And their masters know that their trust makes them cattle. But capitalism or communism, it all comes down to tryants ruling the world. We are ruled by tyrants. I think all Bernie means by democratic socialism is that the people's taxes, basically, go to programs that support them. Programs that are in their interests. I don't think in any way that he is a part of the system that tries to maintain the status quo. He isn't trying to herd us all into becoming leeches on the system, totally dependent upon the system. He wants us to own the system and be the system. Donald Drumpf is a capitalist, but he's, and this might sound weird, too playful to be one of the evil corporate dictators of the world. Somehow or other he has developed a sense of comaraderie with the average Joe, albeit in a very banal way. These other dudes, the real scary ones, don't get personal. They don't relate to anyone but the elite. Hillary Clinton is a pathetic shill for these guys. A multimillionaire who can only dream of becoming a billionaire, becoming one of the big shots. What a fucking dork. Also, I normally don't vote, but I'm voting this year. I see the vote this year more as a warning to the establishment than anything, to show them our numbers and to show them where our hearts are at. And hopefully we're ready to fight for our humanity if necessary.
So because everything costs more, it's up to everyone else to pay people's way? See, the people who support Bernie don't understand WHY things are the way they are. They don't talk about WHY things are so expensive, and it boils down to the economic system we have where money is created of of nothing. The key word is inflation. More socialism and government intervention is not the answer, as that is exactly what has gotten us into the mess we're in. None of Bernie's young, impressionable followers seems to have the slightest grasp of the how the system works and instead believe the solution is even more of the same big government policies that have lead to where we are now.