I’m not sure if he likes chicken but I’m sure he does and notices the similarity. But really who cares about Bernie Sanders? He is just a human, like me. So he wants to control the world. Don’t they all?
The secret spices in KFC were actuly Soviet mind control drugs. It's a long con but clearly Sander's plan is now to take over a weak America with Soviot policies. They never did say what they were did they?
i'm sure bernie has played the colonel in one of the new ads; everyone else on the planet has after all.
Has anyone but me noticed that Bernie looks nothing like Colonel Sanders and that this whole thread is just a ploy to talk about KFC? I like their biscuits. Fuck the chicken. Just give me a biscuit and some gravy.
This statement is accurate. Not sure what your point is. All I can guess is that since other races are poor the statement is false, whites DO understand. White people are poor but their treatment from police is not the same as black people. The statistics show this. Black people are about 15% of the population yet are not 15% of arrests. So it's either they make all the trouble or some sort of racial biases in police. Up to you to make that call. Poverty is not racial biases.