We cannot use the Scandinavian economic model regardless if Bernie ran the show or not. Bernie once said, “We can learn from these countries.” What he doesn’t realize, is this would be stealing from the Scandinavian people’s culture through the dreadful crime of cultural appropriation. And we mustn’t allow Scandinavian culture to be reduced to socialized health care, Vikings, and IKEA.
So we're still at the "you're either this, or you're that" stage. No room for middle ground. Politics is boring these days.
Trump voters love Scandinavia just not the politics. It's a country of white people who built a white culture. It's one of the few places in the world that is for the most part one race. Unless you count Asian countries like Japan it's about it. I assume that is why the imaginary "no go" zones are such a big deal. The extreme Nazi alt right types have also long loved the region. Why? Because of vikings who were warriors. So in modern times they are romanticized. They would never tolerate Islam or Jews after all. All glory to Oden. It shows they don't have much of an understanding of Viking culture. For example the rights they gave to women would be hard to swallow now for many modern Republicans. They were not always cutting heads off. In fact that was rare compared to their boring farming life. But that's off topic. Point is they love everything about the country but the "socialism" of tax paid education and healthcare. Once again I feel like you think you are making a witty comment but you just look like an uninformed ass.
Civilization was built on cultural appropriation. It should be encouraged, not disparaged. You Can’t ‘Steal’ a Culture: In Defense of Cultural Appropriation The progressive academics who push the concept are flakes, and should be called out as such. Instead, Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, and other right wing ideologues use it as a straw man to discredit anything to the left of them. Call them out too.
I have to agree with you that it's slanted. When I think of people who have made their mark in economic policy, Bernie isn't even on the map. He does know how to make a deal for himself though. Most people who have been duped by the Clintons and complain about it, have weird accidents or huff car fumes. Bernie got a new house!
Only Americans worry so much about what is "their culture" and other people stealing it. Including Asian or African Americans who have foreign ancestors. They seem to be ones still connecting to the old country and interpreting it. Meanwhile in the old country they are honored you like their culture enough to take something from it. As long as you are respectful about it I guess.
The only people more obsessed with Democrats than actual Democrats, are people who claim to dislike Democrats.