There's the stoners lounge, and now an opiate lounge so here is the benzo lounge. *Sticky* it:sunny: Ate the last of my flubromazepam this morning. Should be pretty chill today but i need to get more soon...and I'm a bit concerned about the speed of getting it.
Just ran out of etizolam and flubromazepam...waitin on another order, this time etizolam and diclazepam which is said to be like clonazepam I really like etizolam...great for anxiety and gives u a boost in mood that I haven't really gotten from any other benzos. Btw, I know etizolam isn't technically a benzo chemically, but it might as we'll be effects's really a thienodiazepine.
I used to get the intas back when they were easy to get. I remember buying like a thousand of them and busting them all out of the blister packs. Anyways, I like this thread. There is already a pharm bump thread but this one is cool too. I'll bump for my nightly dose of clonazepam. I usually take 2 but since I've ingested some opiates, I'm gonna go ahead and take 3 to really throw it into high gear. Got some weed to. And a nicotine vapor pen. I'm gonna be blissful tonight. '''
6 mg of Klonopin last night.I should add these were taken out of necessity and not for recreational purposes.
Most of my benzo use is for my anxiety...being anxiety free is the best high Occasionally I'll take extra and get real nice and mellow, but I can't do that too often cuz I don't wanna get a fierce tolerance.
Someday soon, when in have the ca$s...I wanna procure some good ole fashioned roofies. Flunitrazepam! Oh yea...gotta love them babies!
Bump for some etizolam and like 20mg of diclazepam. Yeah, I have a tolerance. Doses that are just a buzz for me or just knock the edge off thing knock a benzo naive person cold out like they got roofied!
Keeping it at .5mgs of kpins a night before bed. Promised myself I wouldnt ever go higher lol, even as the tolerance is there. And some weeks I'll go without taking it at all, I feel like it helps my gaba receptors.
I just dropped 10 mg of Klonopin.I've been feeling like shit all day and just really needed a chemical lift and listen to some Tycho.
~3mg etizolam to go with about 2g phenibut. My scale has a hard trouble registering small single digit doses...i found a trick. Tare the scale before you add the meauring tray. Then add the powder and it should measure the small amounts. Just substract the weight of the tray afterwards.