Believe In Better Life Experiences

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by HashtagInterested, Feb 19, 2020.

  1. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Ok, so I'm a dedicated Christian, an ordained universalist, and have been since the mid ninties. I've been doing my great commission deciple, fishing thing, but I don't preach. Go figure. I may be unorthodox in my approach, but I'm faithful and true to my roots, my calling, my whole made in the image of,and I'm enthusiastic about it.

    It can be fun. The truth being the key principle to the fun part, and being poor ain't had, but I like money too. I just don't have much yet. On my travels I've met some cool people, some shady people, some dangerous people, some famous people, and I think a porn star served me supper one night which I thought was awesome. She's one of my favorites too. It's true ... I won't lie about it.

    Anyway, I'm about to start a new book. I don't know the title yet, but it's gonna be about my travels as an unorthodox Christian undertaking the great commission my way, which is the only way I know how. I'll be making a few items, painting a few pictures, and hiding them as I go. In the book will be a treasure map leading the readers to various locations around the country in a treasure hunt.

    I write poetry too, so I'll probably leave a few of them along with other items I make to help keep me busy as a quasi homeless vagabond drifter Christian in an unorthodox commission adventure as I "keep it real". The truth will make you free.

    We'll see I guess. Here's one of the items that will be hidden and included in the treasure hunt. Each piece represents specific people or places or memories I hold dear. In other words they are very sentimental and extremely important. I hope to have 50-70 different pieces and a variety of included in the the treasure hunt.

    These are custom made by yours truly. These aren't entirely completed yet, but I have a good start on them.

    tumbling.dice likes this.
  2. tumbling.dice

    tumbling.dice Visitor

    Sounds like fun! I've done a bit of geocaching...wonderful way to spend the weekend.

    So are those nunchucks? :tongueclosed:
    Pete's Draggin' likes this.
  3. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    They're more like toys, but yeah ... They're called nun chuckas. I dance with them. Err, rather I learned how to dance while learning to use them.
    tumbling.dice likes this.
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    better life experiences don't come from belligerence. they come from mutual and universal consideration. a heaven without it is just another word for hell.

    gods or a god are cool, but not because they owe anything to what we tell each other, but precisely because they don't.
    but the kind of way the world is to experience as long as we're alive in it, is the statistical sum of how we treat each other.

    belief CAN contribute to that in a positive way, but it can also do so negatively. and mostly its not even the fault of the humans who started them that are to blame for the latter.
    its the human ego wanting to point fingers at something outside itself. and people can will and do, misread religious teachings whether their christian or whatever else they may happen to be,
    to make excuses for not regulating themselves as would be needed to not rob the happiness or even existence, of other people's lives.

    probably the most negative things that come from the human ego by way of misconstrued beliefs, is the condemnation of the other, of not even seeing anything that is outside of our own visions of hierarchy, that's the more obvious, but there is also, when we are told to trust belief and not worry about anything else, we are in effect being told to hate, or at least ignore logic, and that might otherwise sound harmless enough, but that is the real cause of human suffering, those two things, the hatred of logic and the concept of us and them.

    this whole idea, of the universe being some kind of hierarchy and everything that doesn't bow to it being on some kind of wrong side.
    that comes from humans, from the HUMAN ego. not from whatever sort of gods there might happen to be.

    as for truth, and i'm sorry to sound like i'm attacking the whole idea of belief, but there is no truth in telling people what to pretend about what is not known.
    there is truth in that not being known does not prevent anything from existing, including the possibility of self aware beings who are neither physical nor imaginary.

    but truth, isn't even whether people agree with each other about something, truth is what is there, regardless of what is said by anyone anywhere any time.
    truth is material. i'm sorry it just is. but it is also, that yes, we can experience things that are neither known nor physical. because nothing has to be known in order to exist.

    those are all fine wonderful and good things. but the quality of life experiences comes from how we treat each other, and from the gratification that comes from creating and exploring.

    (and if living in a world without love, were the price i had to pay, to live in a world without hate, any hate of any kind, i would pay that price gladly.)
    HashtagInterested likes this.
  5. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Great post. Humans are what humans are. They say acorns don't fall far from the tree. The same is true for leaves. We are who we are. I looked q lot like my mother and father years ago. I still do to some extent. We are you know. Even the Bible states as much ... At least twice ...maybe thrice but who's counting?
  6. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    The nun chuckes can represent many things from balance to a yin yang type of thing with bridge and/or reconciler or connector in between the two poles or rather sticks. . I'm bi Polar myself and as a Christian I like to view the middle or bridge like I view Christ or rather the Spirit of. I like these things a lot, but I don't think they're legal in all 50 states.
  7. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I also have bipolar and as a heathen I like to crush my enemies and hear the lament of their women.
  8. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Interesting ... I've been single now for over 20 years. Good thing huh? Given your lamenting comment, you might not last long if I did. I'm just saying.
  9. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    My word and World holds ground and is real, your words are like floods of poisoned water, a language spoken with saliva from different tongues.

    The liar shall be crushed! With bolts of lightening and thunderous devastation from an anvil toned delivery.

  10. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Enemies ... I've had a few in my lifetime, but I like friendship much better. Anyway, given I believe in better life experiences, I'll likely not get into a relationship again. I like friendships though ... And sex so ... True is true, honest is honest, real is real, and as far as I'm concerned if you're not honest or truth or real I wouldn't even consider you. Not to be mean. Life's too short and people a whole lot more valuable than many treat them. Fakers are like thieves ... The take the joy outta life and destroy what's true and real. How does a person know real? Observation and commitment and understanding.
  11. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    It takes two to tango. Mom and dad and kids ... Ya know?

  12. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    If it take two to tango, then I'll bring 4 and in my glovebox shotgun shells galore.
  13. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    We should have lunch tomorrow irminsul ... I'll meet you regular place different time on the 10 year not the thousand at midnight. Sound good?
  14. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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  15. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    I should have some vantage points by then, but if not I'll def have my rollies. Umm,. It should be nicely greened up by then, so hide and seek part of will be more fun. See you on the flip side ... Maybe. If not the funny papers will have to do.
  16. HashtagInterested

    HashtagInterested Members

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    Omfg umm ... You know right?

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