Read this article and see what you think. Do you think belief in conspiracies can be caused or influenced by factors like low levels of trust or economic insecurity? As economic tides rise and fall how does this alter our perceptions?
For me reality without dreams is just somebody's nightmare, while dreams without reality are a fantasy. Stay awake long enough and you just hallucinate, while reality inevitably catches up with our dreams. Life isn't composed of some sort of abstract metaphysics, but of moments when we no longer make distinctions between who are and what we are doing when our ignorance becomes as meaningful for us as anything we might know. Instant karma gonna getcha but good complete with nonlinear temporal dynamics. A theory of everything is coming soon and the world will never be the same again because we are both created by and the creators of our personal karmic universes. Our belief in conspiracy theories alone actually contributes to our creating our own reality because reality itself is context dependent along with what we call our conscious and unconscious mind. The universe and the laws of physics would resemble the continuing expanding creativity of the initial Big Bang and also the mindlessness of a newborn babe making it more cartoonish than more romantic metaphysical perspectives alone, in fact, the two define one another. Some of the poems I write, for example, are just as funny as they are beautiful when read in specific contexts suggesting a universal recursion in the law of identity that includes plenty of Existential Vaudeville slapstick, Yogi Berra, Yoda, Stephen Wright, etc. and making 90% of this game half mental as we meander and bumble down the road less traveled where our feet shape the path as the way shapes our feet and the trick is learning how to avoid falling on your ass and remembering that when you don't know where you are going you just might get there. Murphy was a happy idiot who optimistically declared, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!" Again, like ants climbing the Empire State building, academics are obviously in complete denial that they can never grasp the reality of their situation by merely climbing higher. Nevertheless, the self-evident truth remains that the worst possible tyranny is that of our own self-imposed habits and taboos, the worst life imaginable is living in fear and loathing of ourselves, and the worst possible tragedy is to become afraid of the light. To be aware we must first embrace our own ignorance, to have a friend we must first embrace being a friend, to appreciate any of the humor and beauty in life we must first embrace them in ourselves, to actualize our full potential we must first be willing to embrace our own flaws, and to truly live we must first allow ourselves to embrace life more fully. For no man is an island nor can he be the measure of all things lest he first embrace virtue as its own reward and wonder as the beginning of wisdom.
Suggesting Conspiracy Theories are caused by Low Trust seems like a tautology. There are probably a lot of factors that go into the formation of a conspiracy theory, economic factors being one variable that can influence them, however many of them are different subjects and thus likely have different variables. I think that perhaps due to the connectivity of the internet, and maybe it's perceived anonymity, conspiracy theories have kind of been able to flourish and occupy a particular niche of skepticism.
According to the National Science Foundation one in five Americans insists the sun revolves around the earth and has consistently insisted this is the case for over forty years. This is not an issue of trust, but one of culture in a country where both our presidential candidates would be in jail if they were not wealthy and powerful. If you or I did the things Trump did to so many women or violated the National Security Act like Clinton did we would most certainly be in jail. Similarly, the billionaire mayor of NYC had pigs arrest 26 reporters in one day only to receive a slap on the wrist, just as the bankers who cause the economic collapse, in part by committing fraud, never saw a single day in jail. Its Three Stooges see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil slapstick where everyone runs around arguing over the definition of stupid and who is the better example because they are collectively running on memory alone and thinking is no longer one of their strong points. Some forty years of studies on the republican party concluded they are organized along the lines of a flock of chickens and that kind of organization doesn't reward the truth and, in fact, insists that fighting is what decides what is true. Hence, the reason some 60% of Americans insist the government and mass media they call evil lie to them for their own protection. For half a century psychologists have occasionally made a big stink about the fact that fundamentalist religion in particular meets all their criteria for a mental disease, but classifying it as such would be politically untenable. We create our karmic universe in both causal and acausal ways with the causal ways just being easier to determine.
while conspiracies and cover ups are real things that really do happen, more truth is hidden by lack of interest in often non-sensational seaming details of reality, then any and all attempts to hide or distort it.