My wife has taken a liking to giving me oral, manual, or anal stimulation in the early morning, before work, whilst I'm sleeping. This may mean she is stroking my erect penis and testicles, a finger stimulating my prostate, her fist moving slowly up and down inside me, a vibrator inside me, licking and sucking my penis and testicles or a combination of all of the above. She particularly likes licking the precum off the tip of my penis. Sometimes I'll wake up whilst she's doing it, other times I'll wake up and know she's been doing it, though by this point she's having breakfast, ready for work. Sometimes I wake on hearing her alarm clock, and she'll switch it off and then resume working on me for a few more minutes. She's goes to work an hour before me. We recently explored control and some sexual boundaries. She likes it when she is in control of my arousal, and I am passive, what she does, how long it lasts, whether I orgasm and when, and how many times (anal stimulation of my prostrate can make me orgasm / ejaculate multiple times in a session). Her touching me intimately whilst I'm sleeping seems a natural extension. She particularly likes to keep me just short of an orgasm and leaking out precum for her to lick at will. The first time was a bit of a surprise, but we've discussed it and I'm fine with it, within certain boundaries. We've been married some time, and are in our mid 50's. So does your partner work on you intimately in the early morning in the time before you are due to wake up? Do they know that you have woken up during it, and have you subsequently discussed it and where the boundaries lie?
She sounds fun. LoL I've woken my husband up doing some interesting things. We are both VERY clear what the hard limits are so it can be loads of fun (pun intended). It's a great way to play and show that you trust each other as well as want to please each other. Surprise things. New, previously discussed things. Old stand-bys with a little update. All in good, naughty fun
He gets to wake slowly by a warm mouth instead of a loud buzzer, and she gets a nutritious protein breakfast. Sounds like a WIN-WIN.
Well, this morning it was a case of a vibrator inside me, and a warm mouth, so a buzzer as well! I woke up a few times last night, and every time she was working me. She couldn't sleep apparently. I few hand jobs in there as well. After I've ejaculated, she'll lick it up off my pubis or my thighs or my stomach etc. before licking the last of my ejaculate off the end of my penis.That feels just as good as when I ejaculate in her mouth. I'm now left tingling, still leaking pre cum, and a bit tired.
It was a hand job whilst I was sleeping this morning. It must have been a good one, as I woke up during the final moments towards ejaculation, and boy was it a good leg trembling powerful one. I'm not sure she realised I'd woken up in the final moments, as she got out of bed, almost immediately I'd orgasm'd. She must have been late for work! She's left me still tingling and leaking precum most of the morning.
We had intercourse last night before sleeping. The mornings tend to be just hand jobs or oral. That's partly because I wake up later than my wife, and she has to get to her job much earlier than me. If I wake up whilst she's working me on a weekend, it can be a different story.
Well she was in the mood for a hand inside me, combined with oral plus hand jobs last night. . The feeling when her hand passes half in, half out to fully inside me, then moves further in, is quite something. Amazing how it fits with enough lube. Once in, it's much easier. Then when I squeeze her, as my penis gets more erect and pulses in reaction. I can still feel the sensations.
Fell asleep this afternoon on the reclined sofa, blanket over me, listening to radio with wife. Woke up to find her hand under the blanket, in side my pants, jeans unzipped, giving me a hand job. She hasn't done that before, usually just when I'm naked and sleeping in bed in the morning. That was unexpected but rather nice.
Same as yesterday, but this time we both fell asleep after a mornings exercise and lunch. But this time I fell asleep for an hour but my wife woke up after a few minutes. Woke up to find her hand inside my pants inside unzipped jeans, stroking me away. It was quite interesting feeling her technique when more confined within my pants. I hadn't fully stirred when she made me cum inside my pants. She withdrew her hand, zipped me up, then woke me up for a cup of tea. Sure enough sticky mess in my pants now.
So this morning, my wife has the day off work to visit an old girlfriend. Being a work day, she woke at the same time she does for work, whilst I was sleeping. I wake, lying on my back, and she is working away at me. There was quite a lot of ejaculate in my pubic hair, and immediately above. I know this from one of her hands stroking the area, and just that warm wet sensation as she does so. Her mouth is around my penis, not tight, and her tongue is running up the shaft. At times she deep throats, then pulls back, takes the foreskin in a hand and moves it up and down as she now licks the head. She returns to licking the shaft, and inserts some fingers to massage my prostate. I have the most explosive orgasm, swelling up inside her mouth. Some of the ejaculate dribbles back onto me, and my erection begins to wane. So she inserts most of her hand and the erection returns and she carrries on. She doesn't have to go to work, so it just goes on and on, and she keeps making me ejaculate into her mouth. I begin to notice that I'm getting more sensitive, and that the ejaculations are getting more frequent. Some are full on fire hose ejaculations and some are more a regular pulse as I ejaculate into her wet and warm mouth. Eventually I turn on my side, and fall asleep again. Of course, she doesn't have to go to work, so where it would have ended at that point, she remains in bed. I wake, lying on my right side, behind her, and she has maneuvered herself into a spooning position. There's a vibrator in my arse and she is stroking my erect penis between her labia. As I approach orgasm and my penis swells in length and girth she guides it into her vagina where a warm wet gushing sensation envelops me. She's super wet and everything slides well. After ejaculation my erection begins to wane, so one of her hands takes the end of the vibrator and guides it onto my prostate. The erection returns, and she continues. She's part masterbating, part hand job, and anal for me, and intercourse as I approach orgasm. She keeps doing this. As per the oral, I'm getting more sensitive, and the ejaculations come more and more frequently. I don't know what she's done to my prostate but there's no end to the amount of ejaculate I'm still able to produce. It just feels so warm, wet and delicious inside her as our juices mix. She starts using the vibrator on my prostate as I approach orgasm inside her, and it has the effect of intensifying the orgasm, and maintaining my erection after. So she can keep me erect inside her after my orgasm, and she gently keeps rocking away. This goes on and on and then she starts having an orgasm as I'm ejaculating inside her again. Well her orgasm triggers another ejaculation from me, and that triggers more from her, which triggers more from me, and we got locked in an orgasm circle, each triggering the other for what seemed like forever. It's not often we orgasm at the exact moment the other is, and that it triggers a cascade of follow up orgasms, but when it happens, it's a whole another level of pleasure. The neighbours must have thought we'd got a pack of hounds in the bedroom, howling and whining away. God what a start to the day. I'm finding it pretty hard to concentrate and am still leaking precum in my pants. I hope everyone else has had such a good start as well.
My first wife would wake me with blowjobs almost daily during the week...I worked 3rd shift, she worked 1st shift. I've always slept nude so she always had easy access and it's the greatest way to be brought out of a deep sleep as your ejaculating in her mouth. My present wife has started doing this but uses a gentle vibrator on my "taint" and around the surface of my anus as she takes me into her mouth...OMG! She gets me off pretty damn quick that way and the snowball kiss afterwards cures the dry mouth I wake up with some days.
it's nice getting waking up and feeling yr partner lubing up yr bum with his finger, then teasing u with two fingers before finally pushing the head of his hard cock against yr cherry and teasing probing it.....and then pushing deep deep as until he is balls deep, pausing, feel that nice full of cock feeling..then he slowly starts to move, getting faster and u raise yr leg in the air to let him in deeper as he half climbs on the top of u lying sideways, grips yr body and rides u..... such a nice way to be woken up ...hehe Simon
My wife asked me if she can do that at night while I'm asleep saying she miss the taste of it sometime.