Being a virgo sucks.I'm changing my star sign.

Discussion in 'Astrology' started by Fairlight, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    lol he was my first boyfriend and he dumped me for a hot english exchange student. So he actually friend zoned me.
  2. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I am not wasting my life away because of this.Astrology isn't an obsession of my mine and I do take responsibility for myself and my actions.I have just observed over the years that Virgos tend to get negative write-ups and that pisses me off.Most of the time I pay very little attention to astrology.This was all just an observation.
  3. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    What negative write ups are you talking about? Can you give an example of how the media portrays virgos, or any other sign for that matter?

    Right now I'm thinking that you're full of shit, but I would like for you to change my mind.
  4. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I think saying I'm "Full of Shit" is a bit strong.I suppose I mean "horoscopes".I meen the kind of glib,cliched ones that appear in popular tabloid newspapers.Time and time again I've seen Virgos described in the same negative terms.I also saw an American TV show where some girls were looking at a dating site.They found a virgo male and they all kind of whet "eew - not a Virgo,we don't like Virgos." It did make an impression of me.I I also find the image of a young female virgin being the symbol for my birth sign a kind of challenge to my masculinity.Maybe I'm confusing other personality traits that are just a result of the way I am with astrology,and blaming it on that.For example I am not assertive,am in some respects scared and overawed by women,and have been put down a lot in my life.With respect,when I have read proper well-informed books on astrology,I realise that there are many great traits that we Virgos have,but it's just the popular misconceptions that I don't like.As I've said,I don't pay too much attention to astrology,but it's still an interesting subject.I kind of see astrology as a store of psychological wisdom about people in general,which can be applied to anyone whenever they were born,but not necessarily accurate for predicting personality and relationships.
  5. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    That said,at times I can be very assertive,but that has been something I have learned to be over time.But I can also be very passive at times.And as for women,once I get to know them I am fine,but speaking to women I don't have a pre-text to get to know is a problem for me.
  6. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    sorry arent basing life decisions on astrology..ive been corrected:)[again]

    use it for fun and entertainment only
  7. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Thanks ROLLINGALLONG.I know it's not always easy to make yourself understood here.Words and concepts can get so confusing as we try to muddle through.It's easy to jump to conclusions before everything can be said,before we can lay it all out on the table.
  8. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    ima libra:)
  9. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I think the proper term is anal retentive.

    You can take comfort in the fact that Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods and is known for "communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality, reasoning, adaptability and variability."

    and that my sign is two fish spinning around in circles....what's with that?
  10. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    Yeah I suppose it was harsh. I'm always grumpy when I first wake up, didn't mean to sound so dickish.

    I guess I just don't watch or read the things that portray any birth sign in any light, good or bad. As I've never seen anything like what you're talking about. I've also never received any negative reaction when telling a girl I'm a Virgo.

    I've never payed any attention to astrology, but when I was younger I felt the same feelings about having a female virgin as my sign. Then I spent some time with a group of pagans, who told me something about the Virgo sign evolving into some kind of badass fire God.....can't remember exactly. That made it seem a lot cooler.
  11. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I just took a walk into town and found a nice Scorpio mug in the charity shop.My Mum was Scorpio...So today I am Scorpio lol.
  12. soratothamax

    soratothamax Guest

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    Sorry, but maybe you should look at your Venus sign for that answer. The problem with people is they focus too much on their sun signs, when it's not the whole story. The fad is to ask someone what their sign is, and for people to respond with the sun. But when people ask me, I tell them my signs are sun in Taurus, Moon in Scorpio, Venus in Aries, Asc Scorpio. Once they hear Venus in Aries, many jump right on in. If they were just to hear my sun sign, they would think i'm dull because most earth signs are (the earth signs have the highest denial syndrome out of them all, and scorpio the highest envy syndrome). But when people hear my venus, they know that I'm a freak behind closed doors, love life, full of spice, and fire, and I'm definitely not clingy. And if they get a whiff of my moon sign, they would soon discover that my life is anything but boring. It's always full of drama.

    Learn more about yourself. Get beyond your star sign, and move forward into planets that matter in relationships like Venus and Moon. The next time someone asks what your sign is, you can say "I'm a Sun in Virgo, but my Mars sign is ..." (Mars rules sex, and what a woman is interested in a man). It's all in how you approach the question when asked.
  13. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    Thanks for your insightful contribution to my dilemma soratothamax,I really appreciate your knowledge of astrology here.I could spend the next 10 years researching this stuff...Just to say I am generally with the flow and and am just accepting who I am right now.Anyway,September is a nice month to be born in I figure...
  14. crystal456

    crystal456 Member

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    Virgos are easy going and make nice friendships and relationships. I am one of the fire signs and I get along well with Virgos. Most of my best friends are Virgos.
  15. RainyDayHype

    RainyDayHype flower power Lifetime Supporter

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    I'm also a fire sign (sag) and get along well with virgo. I suppose they're kind of finicky, but hey fairlight, I don't think virgo is the worst sign to be as you make it seem...
    now that would be _______....

    Embrace your sign..
    also find out what your moon sign is, it will reveal a lot about you...
  16. crystal456

    crystal456 Member

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    Moon sign is very important. My sun sign is very sociable and confident but my moon sign is the shy and sensitive type so I ended up leaning towards the introvert and quiet type.
  17. |SunDriedLily|

    |SunDriedLily| Member

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    Signs are fun and all, and they do hold some truth. But who cares? Just be you. Don't feel that you need to be defined by something that you have not created yourself, if anything.
    Just enjoy your life, do what you need to do to be happy.
    Concerning yourself about what some people think of your sun sign (Which is only a small fraction of yourself.) is pointless. There are so many other things that define you than silly predetermined thoughts from petty people.
  18. crystal456

    crystal456 Member

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    Dat's true. When you have lived half of your life, you don't care about what others think about yourself. Just be happy and lead your own life with your own rules as long as you don't harm others.

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