Beer & Hangovers

Discussion in 'Beverages' started by Pressed_Rat, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I notice that the only beers which really give me a bad hangover are the macro lagers. I was over at a friends house yesterday and had about 6 Molson Canadians. Four hours later I felt like shit, and I didn't even get close to drunk.

    Last night I drank about four 1 pt. 6 fl oz. bottles total of Stone's Arrogant Bastard Ale and Ruination Imperial IPA and barely felt anything when I woke up this morning, aside from the usual post-drunken thirstiness and dry hop mouth. This is some pretty strong beer, alcohol-wise, and I was pretty drunk when I went to bed last night, too.

    The impurities and adjuncts used in cheaper macro beers are mostly responsible for the hangover one gets from consuming too much. People don't realize this and think it's soley a product of the alcohol. It seems as if alcohol and cheap ingredients mix in a very strange way. The worst hangover effects I usually notice with macro beers are a terrible headache and some nausea to match it. It makes my lower back tend to ache, too.

    It's just yet another reason why good beer is worth the money.
  2. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    cheaply made beer = crappy beer
    good beer might cost a little bit more money, but i'd rather pay that difference for a better beer instead of getting crap.

    though i cannot legally go into a packy and get something, theres peopel who will do it for me. if me and my boys were going to a drinking party and knew they were gonna have cheap beer, we'd go out and get our own beer or liqour. we couldn't stand cheaply made beer.

    hangovers, for me in the past i never really had them unless i had a night drinking liqour mostly. nights with just beer, i'd be fine in the morning.
    i agree with you rat on the impurities and what not in the cheaply made beer given you hangovers more.
  3. razm

    razm Member

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    Oh definitely man....hell I've got to buy an import just to ease my suffering. PBR is the worst for sure, I had a 12 pack the other it hurt me in the morning. I think it may have something to do with the lack of hops in these cheap ass domestics.....Anheuser Busch I think tried to make a decent beer with Amberbock, but to bad for us they stuck with that cheap thing.
  4. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    yah, i've noticed that too.

    i pretty much drink beer that i would rate on the 60-80th percential and I dont get hang overs at all. it's nice. :)
  5. Beautiful_Day

    Beautiful_Day Member

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    Ive never really noticed that to be honest but it wouldnt surprise me if it was true...from now on i vow only to drink beer with natural ingredients. Unless someone gives me a crate of lager or something for free;)
  6. thehipsterdufus

    thehipsterdufus Member

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    I noticed the same thing in college. special occasion=better beer=no hangover

    I still hold a conspiracy theory -- where the big brewers are working in tandem with the manufacturers of Tylenol, Bayer, Advil, Pepto, and the other popular 'hangover cures', and also with Denny's, IHOP, Village Inn,

    .....just a theory ;)

    BTW, is IHOP really international?? lol
  7. fitzy21

    fitzy21 Worst RT Mod EVAH!!!!

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    well IHOP has locations in Canada. so it could be seen as international, i guess.
  8. seamonster66

    seamonster66 discount dracula

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    I seem to get the worst hangovers from Molson and St. Pauli Girl, not sure why.

    I like that Arrogant Bastard Ale, they sell it at this pretty cool new bar around here.
  9. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    i wont drink molson OR st. pauli girl anymore.

    i used to like st. pauli girl but for some reason now, i cant stand it. it reminds me of heinken and becks....ew!
  10. mamasoul

    mamasoul Member

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    bravo for arrogant bastard! ever try delirium nocturnum belgian ale? mmmm....
    oh yeah, hangovers suck.....
  11. dirtybongwater

    dirtybongwater Member

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    For that reason alone if i can't afford to drink good beer, i won't drink until i can.

    One of the only "good" beers that actually gives me a hangover every time i drink it is "La Chouffe" kind of like drinking perfume...
  12. Antimatter235

    Antimatter235 Member

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    Strange, when i go on 11 22's weekend binges i don't get so much of a hangover and it's the cheapest beers (malt liquor) i can get ahold of.
  13. cousinit

    cousinit Member

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    the larger breweries sometomes use chemicias to age the beer faster, so they can get it out to market in 2-3 weeks, instead of leaving it to age for 3 months in a ware house.

    the worst hangover I've ever had was from drinking O'dules amber non-alcoholic beer. I had 3 dozen over the course of aday of fishing. that evening I starded pucking my guts out and had a splittlng headche by moorning. I felt liek shit for another 2 days. 36 beer at 0.5% alc is, about he same alcohol as 3 regular beer

    ive had over 2 dozen regular beer in day, and still been in better shape the next day. that neer beer is f-ing shit.

    O'dules is made by anheuser busch
  14. Scholar_Warrior

    Scholar_Warrior Be Love Now

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    you're absolutely right Matt! life's too short to drink cheap beer!

    good microbrews use only natural ingredients, but even then some beers are harder on you than others. (as you get older, you get hangovers a bit more easily - remember that I told you this) that cheap ass budweiser is one of the worst!! and it used to be a drinkable beer!

    but really, the alcohol is at least as bad as most anything else in beer as far as hangovers are concerned. and your lower back aching is 'cause your kidney's are toxic and dehydrated. drink water with your beer and you'll do a lot better.

    peace love harmony
  15. kitty fabulous

    kitty fabulous smoked tofu

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    i posted this in response to the drunk thread in random thoughts. hangovers are not caused by alcohol, their caused by substances called congeners. the cheaper beers probably have more of them.

    according to the nutrition almanac:
    hangovers are caused by substances called congeners, which are in the more flavorful distilled spirits. red wine and beer have similar substances. the lest taste there is to a kind of alcohol, the fewer congeners. to avoid a hangover, you're better sticking with vodka and gin; they contain the least. bourbon, pure malt scotch, and rum are the worst. i willing to bet my friend dave's homebrew mead has plenty of congeners, because i always get the worst hangovers from even a little of the stuff - although i didn't feel too bad this morning.

    drinking plenty of water before bed and bewtween drinks helps because many of the symptoms of hangovers are caused by dehydration. never drinking on an empty stomach also helps; complex carbos like whole grains & protien foods like cheese and nuts are probably the best. another thing you can do to prepare for a night on the town is to take a good b-complex supplement beforehand, and again when you get home, if you are still able to find your way to the medicine cabinet.

    potassium may help, too, but i'd be careful taking a potassium supplement unless you've talked to a doctor. health food stores sometimes sell little packets of this effervescent vitamin C supplement drink powder called "emergen-C", which is quite rich in potassium and vitamin C, and i've had good luck taking it in half a glass of water to fight off a hangover. they cost something like 50 cents and can usually be found with the rest of the supplements. if you're going out drinking, keep a packet or 2 in your wallet or purse & add it to a glass of water between drinks.

    avoid mixing different kinds of alcohol, or using a carbonated mixer, as it enters the system too quickly. water and juice are better mixers if you want to avoid a hangover. skip the rum and cokes and go for some screwdrivers instead. beer and wine will absorb more slowly than distilled spirits. women are more likely to get hangovers just before their periods, and anyone drinking when tense, guilty, stressed out, or tired will get the worst. coffee and cold showers may make you feel more alert, but do not get congeners out of the system any faster. in fact, if you don't drink plenty of water, the coffee could contribute to dehydration (it's a natural diuretic) and the caffeine could intensify headache, making it worse.

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