beenthereman has "seen it all". Nancy Friday's fantasies were validated!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by beenthereman, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. beenthereman

    beenthereman Members

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    I am new to this site. As Brandi Carlile sings, "These stories don't mean anything when you have no one to tell them to." I am alone and have been so for a long time because of the financial burdens of divorce. That will soon pass. We all seem to blunder into human sexuality in our own different ways. That is a profound and BEAUTIFUL part of human life. I did have some GREAT experiences, even some PROFOUND ones. Most of them came from pure random chance encounters. NONE come from my marriage. You can't make this stuff up. It is profound that women's magazines and sites like this have been revealing what I first experienced in 1977. Nancy Friday wrote of "pleasure so INTENSE that the women WANTED other people to SEE them in it". I SAW that kind of passion twice on the beach. The rest comes from a "hot wife" that I met in 1977 and the women I was ABLE to share Ann's lessons with. My "hot wife" BROKE my chains of bondage. There was NO pretense of any long-term relationship. I would SERVE HER as LONG as it was GOOD FOR HER! SHE REVEALED her most primal desires and awakened MY dormant "primal desires". In our third session she said, "NO MAN has made it to 3 sessions with me BEFORE. YOU are so much fun because you are so naive/innocent and so EASY to provoke PRIMAL responses from. YOUR enthusiasm for my "orals" and "games" is unmatched! WE made it to 12 sessions". It was ALL about 1 thing --- there were no dinners, and no movies. SHE left NOTHING to fantasy. SHE KNEW how to help men find or AWAKEN their primal desires. SHE delighted in "breaking younger men" into her EROTIC DELIGHTS! HER lessons profoundly changed another woman's life 18 years later. I am intelligent and educated and willingly ADMITTED to everything that "Ann of Clifton Park" wanted to HEAR in 1977. NONE of my stories are based in fantasy. So, this is a place to share my stories. I am 75 year old. Enough about me. beenthereman
    Captain Scarlet likes this.
  2. Vladimir Illich

    Vladimir Illich Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Good afternoon matey and welcome from this ancient, decrepit crinkly.
  3. Captain Scarlet

    Captain Scarlet Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome to Hip .

    Can I ask you kindly to refrain from using Caps in your postings if possible . I have noticed that it tends to be a trait of yours . Some members may not like it as its a form of shouting .;)

    Perhaps you could use Bold or Italics . Perhaps a different colour instead ? :)

    Thank you and enjoy :)
    Very Fast Car likes this.
  4. Candy Gal

    Candy Gal Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome to HIP.
  5. Very Fast Car

    Very Fast Car Members

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    Welcome to Hip
  6. NubbinsUp

    NubbinsUp Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Welcome to Hip. "Seen in all" in the title of the thread reminds me of a coffee mug I once saw. At 75, you can probably identify with this, just as I can more that I would have earlier in life. I'm on the cusp of falling within at least one legal definition of "elderly."

    Anyway, here goes: I've seen it all, heard it all, done it all. At my age I just can't remember it all.

    A similar sentiment you may also identify with is this one: If you remember the '60s, then your weren't really there. That one's more about drug use and its cumulative effect, but for most hard core hippies, the decade should be something of a vague blur at this point in time.
  7. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    Welcome to HIP

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