Older guy but still hip at heart! Missed my opportunity for dreads now that I'm bald, but I can still grow a wicked beard. Mine is bushy and about 9 inches long now but very curly. The beard dreads easily, and I've let it go about a half dozen times over the last decade. The longest I've gone is six months before I chickened out. That's the picture here. If you get pressure about your hair dreads think about the stares I get with beard dreads! I decided to try again, and it's been three weeks already. So far, I really like the natural sections that are forming ... this could be a keeper! Any encouragement would be appreciated, and I'd love to compare notes if anyone has tried beard dreads before. Joe
I always shave my facial hair. But I tried out dreads sometime in a previous epoch... I liked them but I felt really unsure of myself with them. That, and they weren't proper dreads. Like not fully formed. Yours are much better.
Hey, thanks! Still not sure why I decided to cut them after looking at that picture. Maybe mine will look the same again in six months. Growing a beard and letting it dread are two great exercises in patience!
I love the look! But I rarely rock a full beard myself. I also rarely shave anymore btw (trimming ftw!)
Thanks for all the great comments so far. I'll have to post an update soon because I'm really liking my progress after such a short time!
Always a beard inspiration ... Chris Kael. Before and after letting his beard dread. Hope to get there some day ...