Be a More Interesting Date Women Love

Discussion in 'Relationships' started by lorancemark, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. lorancemark

    lorancemark Members

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    Being challenged is one of the greater things in life that will stretch you abilities,your interests and yourself. If you want to meet interesting women and have fun at the same time, you will want to be more interesting.

    Here is your list of challenges that you get start doing right now without delay.

    Try out a new physical activity or a new sport. If you are not into a sport like football, basketball or hockey, it is not a problem. There other fun activities where you can meet women at the same time like martial arts, yoga, badminton, and joining a running club for beginners. The whole idea is to get you out and socialize with women and many women love to be active.

    2. Discover a passion or two for something you really enjoy and become the expert in it. It does not matter what it is as long as you enjoy it. It could be photography, art, animals, or carpentry. Whatever you have always wanted to do, just do it. Not only will you have something interesting to talk about, it is likely the more you meet others with the same interests, the more women you will meet to date.

    3. Focus on a new direction in your life. Where are you going to be in five years? What do you want to aspire to in life? What would you like to do everyday in life that gives you joy if money was not an issue. Motivation, ambition and drive to achieve your goals are one the most attractive aspect of a guy who has potential and a future. Without it, most girls do not know why they would want to be with you.

    4. Be a little bit unconventional than other guys. Doing things that a lot of guys would not do puts you ahead of the normal group of guys. If you love to cook or want to learn to cook gourmet meals, you can take a class, meet lots of women there and then get a group from the class for a cooking party at your place. If you want to meet women, follow the savory flavours of women cooking.

    5. Do fun things all the time and make sure you share your experience with your friends and new people you meet. Guys who are a little adventurous and even more so, like to try new things, will be more interesting than the guy who just finished reading popular mechanics the previous night.
  2. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    ....or they could just pay a hooker
  3. Total Darkness

    Total Darkness 100% Cocoa

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    I already do these. I don't do these to meet women. But i am blessed to have met many interesting men and women from many different parts of the world. Interacting with them has been a real treat.
  4. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    It's more like a list for living a fulfilling life.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    I just printed this fantastic list out and now have it magnet on my fridge.
    Noserider likes this.

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