The frame rates of the newest Nvidia RTX cards have become controversial before they even hit the market, and this video provides a detailed explanation of how it is applied in Battlefield V. Its a rather detailed technical explanation, but he skims right through the worst technical crap and just spits it out in lay terms when he can. Basically, he is saying it is such early days for the technology that we can expect dramatic increases in the frame rates in the near future, because nobody has ever designed a game for this kind of video card. That's good news and reminds me of the early days of graphics and, hopefully, we shall see AMD or even Intel come out with competing technology next year, just as they start to work the basics of how to use it more effectively in games. The latest leaks suggest AMD has managed to put almost 21tf on a single gpu chip, which could mean that SoCs are about to replace most processors and graphics cards, sometime within the next five years. Twenty-one teraflops is almost enough for photo-realistic VR, and we shall have to wait and see what we shall see about where all the ray tracing madness will lead next.
I don't see the point of Battlefield trying to go for ultra realistic graphics when their game play is far being ultra realistic lol.. 50cal Barrett still can't take a person down in one hit to the chest. may as well turn it into a SnES looking game IMO.
In the early days of video gaming Doom became the hands down all time winner, because it had good graphics that simulated 3D about as good as anyone had managed up to that point, but it would run on any machine in existence and play at a million frames per second. The question for 3D video games and even side scrollers, is just how much eye-candy you can shove into the damned thing and still get it to play. Consoles evolved around using cheap older chips and more memory than they strictly needed, to make up for the older chips they were using. Cheap is good, just ask anyone, and PC gaming in particular has evolved around cheap eye-candy. As a result, everyone complains the games get wimpier every year, but the ability to add ray tracing also includes the ability to easily add complex AI to any video game. You could think of video games as advancing so fast in technology, that their quality suffers enormously, but with 20tf of performance coming down within easy affordability all that will change as Hollywood is already moving in. They are experts at dealing with corrupt markets in electronics.