Bathroom Problems

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by JustinC, Jun 6, 2004.

  1. JustinC

    JustinC Member

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    Okay, I know this is an odd post, but I have a certain situation. I CANNOT go #2 in a bathroom that is anywhere in public, or near people. Try as I might, I cannot physically go. I understand that some people have a similar problem with urination, and that there is even a medical name for it. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could offer any advice for my unusual situation.
  2. grim_rebel

    grim_rebel Member

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    umm.... when i gotta go shit i just put toilet paper on the rim... as long as there's some measure of 'sanitation' it puts me at rest... physically and mentally...
  3. EarthWhirler

    EarthWhirler Member

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    Yeah, I used to be like that when it came to urination (so polite) I think it was after a traumatic experience when I was young at Hyde park in London - I didn't lock the toilet door properly and someone barged in on me with a crowd of staring people behind her. Euucchhh. Anyways, took me years to get over it but I started by sticking my fingers in my ears so not only could no-one hear me, I couldn't hear anyone either! It became as if no-one else existed, and eventually I got to the point of not caring ;)

    Don't give yourself such a hard time, more people have this problem than we realise, and at the end of the day, we all have to shit at some point!!!

    May the force be with you! :D
  4. Shakra

    Shakra Member

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    Yeah I get that too, I actually thought thats what 'anal retentive' meant when I was a kid lol. Oh the days of being young and naive and ignorant.

    I wish one of my ex's had of had that problem too. I still remember waking up one morning to sounds of "oooh, aaah, aaaaah, aaaah, uggggh, sigh" coming from his bathroom.

    I thought he was jerking off but turns out he as just having a shit and clearly really enjoying the experience. Still I'd rather he'd not shared the session with me through being so vocal. I think the experience has only made me worse about going to the loo in public places.
  5. JustinC

    JustinC Member

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    Thank you all for your suggestions! I found them to be quite helpful and will be sure to try them out.
  6. drumminmama

    drumminmama Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    research "shy bladder" too.

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