This forum sure do get quiet. You could hear the acorns drop..,, Ain't nobody barefooting in the autumn weather? I just did, and it felt great! Damp, cool, and doable! Anybody?? Hello???
sure, i just don't really have anything to say about it. i've been wearing lots of shorts and t-shirts too, but i don't find that to be an interesting conversation topic either.
What i.i.m.u said. I check in here fairly regularly to see if anyone's said anything interesting to inspire me. Again it has fallen to Monsieur Nuspieds to keep this moribund board breathing.
Nice morning here in England. Sunny but a bit chilly.Damp ground - lovely and cool on the soles.been for an early morning walk, caught the bus and now enjoying a breakfast in my favourite pub! No problems whatsoever.everyone is cool with my barefootedness.Finish brekkie then off on my barefoot travels. Happy autumn barefooting everyone.
Lovely and cool on the soles! Tomorrow's forecast, more of the same! Back to you at the Newsdesk, Ian!
OK. Thinkin positive. I accept my last posting may have been a bit mehh...Barefoot to work today as always (I'm in an office job but I get away with it). Decided the weather was lookin gorge so asked if any chance I could leave early (tongue in cheek). To my surprise yes was the answer. So went for a pub lunch, then a long walk round town. All barefoot of course. Just got home and rest of afternoon will be nude sunbathing whilst reading a favourite book. Lovely n sunny here. Life is sweet :sunny: